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Character: Bakugou Katsuki
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: You don't need to do this
*Tattoo shop AU, Quirkless AU*

(Bakugou pov)

"Hey Bakugou, do you want to come with us to our appointment?" I looked up from my book with a scowl on my face, "Now why the hell do you think I'd want to come along, tape face?" I saw Sero take his eyes with a lazy smirk permanently etched into his face. "Just tag along. We promise you'll thank us later." Kaminari said. I rolled my eyes as I put my phone down and changed my clothes. Once I was ready we began the walk down to the small tattoo shop. As we continued to walk my mind drifted off to the stereotypes that I've heard about tattoo shop owners/workers. I felt a cold chill run down my body as we finally arrived. As the idiots who were getting tattoos talked to the front desk worker I couldn't help but silently approve of the decoration.

As I continued looking around Sero said something that caught my attention, "Is (L/n) here? He promised to fulfill my request." The girl at the desk rolled her eyes before pressing a bottom. Soon enough the girl looked up at Sero before speaking, "He'll be out in a bit. He's on a creative streak right now." Sero hummed and one by one they were called to the back till Kaminari and I were left behind. He just wanted to get a piercing so it went relatively sick for him. I scrolled through my phone to keep myself entertained at least until dunce's face decided to yell at the top of his lungs, "(L/N)! You live." I looked up and I could feel my breath hitch. This guy was the epitome of handsome. The guy rolled his eyes and chuckled. I almost got whiplash from how deep his laugh sounded. "Shut the hell up, Denki. Just cause I wouldn't tattoo you that one day cause I got SICK doesn't mean I'm dead to you forever."

He looked over at the front desk assistant before speaking up, "Do I have any appointments?" The girl hummed and handed him a paper. As he read it I could tell that his eyes held a hint of amusement. With another chuckle he yelled into the back rooms, "I hate you Sero." I could hear Sero laugh before he replied, "Hate you too, bitch." He turned towards me, "Are you Bakugou Katsuki?" I nod my head trying to keep a neutral expression on my face. He hummed, "Your friend got you a free tattoo. So come on back to my room." I followed after him and watched as he sanitized everything before telling me to sit. It was quiet between us and I tapped my fingers against my thigh. My eyes wandered around the room and every so often they would land on him before I looked away.

"So what kind of tattoo do you want?" I stare at him before I clear my throat, "I don't care. It's um my first one so I don't have anything that comes to mind." He stared at me for a second, "You don't need to do this if it makes you uncomfortable. If I'm being honest Sero has told me about you and even showed me a couple of pictures and I was truly enamored by your beauty and well he's just trying to get us together." I hummed before speaking up, "I knew tape face was up to something. Since he and the others never invite me to their appointments. He leaned back in his chair and chuckled, "By the way my name is (L/n) (M/n). I'd love to take you out someday." I gave him a small smile, "I think I'd like that."

Sure enough, he took me on our first date and made it a big enough deal that we went on multiple dates till he asked me to be his boyfriend. And honestly, I couldn't be happier with him in my life.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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