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Character: Enji Todoroki
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: Don't worry I love you all the same, princess
*Good father Enji, Past Mpreg/Mpreg*

(M/n pov)

I groaned softly as little bean decided he wanted to play kickball with my bladder. I had just finished going to my doctor's appointment. Since it was just a check-up Enji had stayed home with the kids and he asked one of his sidekicks who owed him a favor to transport me from the house to the doctor's office and back. Once we got to the house I thanked the guy before grabbing my stuff and waddling into the house. Once inside I noticed how quiet the house was. This was usual since Enji's loud ass is always playing and playfully yelling at all the kids (especially Touya since he likes to play pranks on his dad the most.) I knew the kids were safe in Enji's hands so I made my way to our shared bedroom to shower and change into more comfortable clothes.

I waddled to the kitchen and as I did the remaining dishes from breakfast and started making a small snack for the kids and my husband. As I looked out the window I saw my husband and the kids in the gazebo. I couldn't see that far since I wasn't wearing my glasses. I finish up the snacks and make my way outside and into the gazebo. I made eye contact with Fuyumi but I gave her a look so that she stayed quiet. I walked behind my husband only to see him wearing a fluffy pink scarf and a sparkly tiara. I put down the plate before wrapping my arms around Enji's neck, "Well kids who convinced your father to dress this way?" The kids began giggling loudly before Fuyumi raised her hand, "Daddy asked me what I wanted to do since it was my day to choose and I wanted to have a princess tea party."

I hummed and kissed Enji's cheek before kissing the kid's cheek. Touya tried to make it seem like he was too old but he let me hug him and kiss his cheek. He of course hugged me tighter and I felt him pat my belly. I pulled away and smiled at my cute family. Before I sat down with them for the next hour we played tea time and ate the snacks I made. Once dinner time came around I excused myself to start making dinner for everyone. Before it was done I asked Enji to get the kids to shower and ready to eat which of course he did. We ate our dinner and spent the rest of the day watching movies together while in a big cuddle pile using Enji as our personal heater. Once all the kids fell asleep Enji brought them to their rooms before he lay in bed with me.

He rubbed lotion on my belly while using his quirk to take care of my sore belly. "How's the little bean doing?" He asked. I smiled softly and held Enji's face in my hands, "He's doing so good. The doctor said he'll be coming right on time." He hummed and leaned down and pecked my lips. He pulled me closer before he spoke up, "I can't believe you saw me in those accessories earlier." I giggled softly and laid my head on his chest, "Don't worry I love you all the same, princess." He groaned softly before he kissed the top of my head, "Goodnight love." I hummed, "Goodnight Enji."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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