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Character: Shoto Todoroki
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: My sweet angel
*Demon/Angel AU*

(Todoroki pov)

I could hear Mr.Aizawa talking about the next lesson plan but I was so far distracted by what was going on this weekend that I can't focus. It wasn't long till Mr.Aizawa went into his sleeping bag to take his end-of-class nap to let us do whatever we wanted as long as we were quiet. I leaned back on my chair and closed my eyes. My mind drifted over to my boyfriend of three years. He lives right next door to my house and he's the sweetest angel ever but he also has a sassy side to him that I love. He makes me so happy and I can't wait to see him perform this weekend. As my mind continued to wander I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked at the person and saw it was Midoriya. "Todoroki-kun we've been trying to catch your attention for a while. Is everything okay?" I nodded before giving him a small reassuring smile.

I paused for a second before speaking up, "Would everyone like to go out somewhere with me this Saturday? Of course, I'll pay for the tickets for what we're going to see plus food after." It wasn't long till everyone agreed to go with me but I kept quiet about where we were going. I made sure it was okay with (M/n) and he immediately told me, 'Of course, you can bring friends. I've been dying to meet them anyway.' For the next couple of days, everyone would come to me to ask me what they should wear, and try to get the information about where we were going out of me. But I stayed strong till Saturday night and once 6 pm arrived I took them to the stadium that his school rented out. And where my amazing and talented boyfriend was performing at. It was multiple people performing but I know he was going to be the best.

It wasn't long till I heard my friends asking me who I was looking for but I just kept quiet. After five performers I heard my boyfriend's name get called out. I immediately cupped my hands over my mouth and yelled his name. He looked over at me and waved before walking to the middle of the stage. Where he grabbed the microphone. I looked at his outfit and I couldn't help but be wowed by how good he looked. It wasn't long till the lights dimmed ever so slightly and the music began playing. I was practically on the edge of my seat waiting for my boyfriend to start singing.

 I was practically on the edge of my seat waiting for my boyfriend to start singing

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(Choose anyone you'd like. Or even make it your own. The song choice is up top.)

As soon as the rest of the performances were done my boyfriend texted me letting me know where to meet him. I dragged the class around till I finally found my boyfriend. He immediately jumped into my arms. His personality doing a complete 180 from when he performed. I smiled softly before placing a kiss on his temple. "Good job (N/n). The performance was amazing." He smiled at me as I put him down. We looked at my class and (M/n) waved at them. I spoke up, "This is my sweet angel and boyfriend, (L/n) (M/n)." They all began introducing themselves and it wasn't long till I could see the class was now willing to do anything for my boyfriend. Since he got along with all of them including Bakugou. He came back towards me before he kissed my cheek, "Thank you for coming to my performance." I smiled, "I'll always come to support you the same way you support me because I love you." He blushed slightly, "I love you too, Sho"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes. Sorry for not uploading faster. Mental health is type dookie right now

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