Adoptive father! Aizawa x Bakugou

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Character: Father Aizawa Shota and Bakugou Katsuki
Type: Slight Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: You're an idiot
*Nine-tailed fox quirk*

(Bakugou pov)

I scowled down at my phone as I kept re-reading the message that my love of three years sent me. He was supposed to be coming to visit me this weekend but he texted me telling me that something came up. I got ready for school all while feeling like I wanted to both fight the worse villain in existence and cry. I walked into the classroom and sat down at my desk. I must've been acting weird because I could tell that the early risers of the class were looking at me weird but I chose to ignore them. I looked out the window till everyone arrived and Iida began yelling about getting ready to greet Mr.Aizawa. I rolled my eyes at his yelling and waited silently for the teacher to arrive. He seemed to take longer than usual and I could tell it was worrying the responsible students but my squad looked a bit excited about the possibility of no school.

Soon enough Mr.Aizawa walked through the door but he looked even worse than usual. He looked like he hadn't slept at all. "My apologies class some personal business came up that I had to take care of." That is all he said before he began teaching today's lesson while occasionally looking at his phone. About halfway through the class, Mr.Aizawa looked down at his phone before he dropped it. He turned towards me his eyes red from activating his quirk. "You're the blonde brat that's dating my son?!" He yelled. I froze, "HAH?!" He glared harder but before he could say anything to me the door opened and in walked my boyfriend. My eyes widened when I saw the leg cast and the crutches he was using. He gave me a sheepish smile before turning to look at Mr.Aizawa.

"Dad this is why I never tell you anything about my love life. At least papa would've cheered me on. But glaring at my boyfriend just cause he's a blonde. Don't forget you let it run in the family." Mr.Aizawa turned to glare at (M/n), "And that's why Eri is my favorite between you and Toshi." (M/n) rolled his eyes before turning to look at me, "Come on babe. I already got permission from papa and Nezu to take you out of class since it's Friday." I packed all my shit as fast as possible before I helped him get over to my dorm room. Once there he sat on my bed and offered me his hand. I grabbed it and let him pull me onto the bed so he could hug me. "What happened?" I asked while holding onto his shirt. He sighed softly, "Some jerks at school began spewing bullshit about you after looking at your first-year sports festival. And I didn't take what they said well and got into a fight. I got suspended for it but that's beside the point. Kurama sorta decided to come out as well which resulted in me being tackled to save the students from the ass whopping I served them."

I stared at him, "You're an idiot but you're lucky I love you and that you're hurt because I would've beaten your ass for getting into a fight." He laughs and kisses my forehead, "I love you too." We spent the rest of the weekend cuddling and hanging out and I truly couldn't be happier though I'd never show it.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes <3

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