CH9://The more you know.

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I move a Gyakusatsu over to where he is, those can speak.

"Interesting class, defector. I highly doubt that your Empire will accept you now." I lower its head, and sniff him, to register his scent to my whitelist.

"If you would follow me, I assure you the MPK will accept you, and your strength."

He shuffles uncomfortably, but at least he doesn't seem like he'll turn violent.

"Let me contact the king to let him know about you first, though." He immediately starts channeling a spell, I simply encase him is several layers of mana barriers.

"I recommend canceling that cast right now. The king is fine. He accepted me and I have the potential for planetary annihilation if I just have a singular bad year." He still doesn't calm down but at least he cancels his spell.

I call the King, to report that the invasion's first strike has successfully been stopped with no casualties.

I also check on the princess.

She's parrying and riposting any attack, she hasn't been hit even once.

After the heat of the King's entrance has dissipated, I step forward for my report.

"Your Majesty, the enemy force has been slaughtered, at no casualties. I've cleaned their base to intercept any resupply carriages, but no modifications apparent enough to deter their approach. Additionally, I've witnessed a defector among their ranks, [Eldritch Offspring] is his class. He's held within several Mana Barriers. His mana obeys no will but his own." He nods slightly and leans back on a nearby tree.

"I'd like to recruit this defector. I think he'll be a great help in the upcoming counter-attack." He looks directly at me. 

"What counter-attack?" My counter-attack.

"The one we'll conduct on the Human Empire, my Lord. I will personally make sure every single one of the Empire's strongholds is crushed, all their armies shattered or killed. We can't let them live if every few decades they'll declare war on us for the same reason again and again."

"What of the civilians?"

"They'll be part of us. Eventually, no Human will remain, only demi-humans. We only have to make sure that they don't start inbreeding to retain their so-called purity. An issue easily fixed simply by educating them, disproving their prejudices, and showing them that Humanity isn't a positive trait. I'll be able to show them this, I, myself, used to be Human, after all." He doesn't react as much as I'd have thought. He just thinks for a moment and nods more noticeably, then he grabs my shoulder, pushes me down to his level, and looks me in the eyes. Which is more awkward than me still being taller than him.

"Very well. I'll let you lead your own assault. It's my fault you have this idea anyway. I should've told you to hold back a little bit. I'll expect daily reports of your progress, and to have full control of the integration of their citizenry. I trust you to already have some non-combatants captured, right?" I nod and point at the steadily growing Housing units.

"Of course. Non-combatants and the few who defect or surrender are spared."

"Good. I'll leave you to constituting forces fit to combat tactics that aren't reliant on the enemy's inability to counter chemical weapons effectively."

Another patch of dead creep later, he's gone. And I have permission to play buddy-buddy with Yog-sothoth's sugar baby or whatever he calls himself.

Soon enough he gets here, at about the same time the Princess runs out of targets, turns out riding on a Gyakusatsu's back is considerably faster than running.

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