One day

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(Oscar's P.O.V.)
I struggled in the police officer's grip as he pushed me through the halls. Rows of prison cells, some filled with one or two prisoners, some without people. He opened the last cell door and pushed me inside before closing it. Another man is laying on one of the two prison beds and sits up when he hears us coming. "Let me go, that man smells" I loudly yell at the officer as the odor of the man hits my senses. "That young and he's already rotten like an egg" the smelling man said sitting up. I scowl at the man not agreeing with his statement about me. "Well, now you've heard it from someone else aswell" the officer said looking down at me, "and you knoe what they say. Drunk people always tell the truth". "Drunk people and children" the drunken man said and burped once he finished his sentence. "Yes, Woodson. You stink" the officers said to the man before turning around and walking away. I walk towards the other bed and lay down on it. I groan at the hardness of the bed. The matras that was layed down on the wooden bedframe was so thin that you could almost feel every imperfection of the wood. It was hard already hard enough because of the disgusting smell of the intoxicated man at the otherside of the cell. I schrunched up my nose as I watched the man throw up in his sleep. Luckily for, well both of us, he was sitting upright against the wall. Therefor I wouldn't have to help him out if he choked on his own puke. I turned over to my otherside so I would face the wall of the cell and closed my eyes trying to get some sleep.

(Commissioner's P.O.V)
I watched one of my officers walk into my office with a file in his hand. He places the file onto my desk before taking a steo back and folding his hands behind his back. "Oscar?" I ask the officer, "not again". I read the arrest order, it stated that he threw in windows with a stone. " keep him overnight?" the officer asked me, "three nights" I tell him before dismissing him. Once the door closes behind him I stand up from my desk and walk towards the window to look out onto the streets of Birmingham. Not long after that my secretary walks in. Once again, the clouds let snow carefully fall onto the streets making it slightly white. Not long after my secretary walks in and announces that someone wants to talk with me. "Who is it, Ms Lanchester?" I ask her and I could see the nervousness in her eyes "It's Mr Solomons, sir". "Well, let him in" I tell her not wanting to keep him waiting. Mr Solomons soon walks into my office. "How long?" he simply asked me, "I beg your pardon?" I reply not catching on to what he is telling me. "The boy" he said with no trace of emotion. I gave him a confused look. "How long are you holding him for?". "You mean Oscar?" I ask him. "Are there any other boys in your prison cells, Commissioner?". I quickly shake my head telling him no. "We are keeping him here for three night, Sir" I told him. He nods and stands up from the chair "Make it one". "Uhm with all due respect. I.. I cn't do that". "Why not?" he asks and I can see a slight hint of irritation in hid eyes. I gulp but answer him none the less. "Because he has thrown in many of people's windows and he needs to learn that that is not acceptable" I explain to him. Silence slices through my office right after Mr Solomons nodded at me. I can certainly say, that it was uncomfortable with a man that holds as much power that he has. Normally, I have that effect on people but with him it was the other way around. "How is your wife doing?" he suddenly asked breaking the silence, "or haven't you noticed once you turned your attention to Ms Lanchester?". My head snaps towards him. "I don't know what you're talking about" I quickly tell him. "I can see why you're giving her your attention" he tells me and turns to look at the door where Ms Lanchester desk is loacated behind. "But is she worth damaging your career over?" he asked as he stood up. I shake my head and he smirks before turning around and walking out of my office "One day, Commissioner".

(Oscar's P.O.V)
The next day I was called into the commissioners office. "Do you get bored on the streets?" he asked me while looking out onto the streets. "No, never" I answer him, "and what do you do on the streets the whole day?" he continues while turning around to face me, "uhm, looking for work" I tell him with a shrug of my shoulders, "so you didn't break those windows out of boredom but because you were looking for work. I want to know why you smashed those windows, Oscar. Why do you do that?" he questioned. I lower my head to look at the ground "I'm sorry. I won't do it again". "Mrs Gimlet. Does she take good care of you?" he asked sincere and with care. Once again, I shrugg my shoulders. "Listen kid. Just because we don't know who your parents are doesn't give you the right to get into mischief" he tells me and I nod my head. "I wanted to keep you here for three nights", "three nights?" I softly gasp, "but someone changed my mind. So, I'm going to let you go now. But the next time I see you here again. I will keep you for longer. Am I understood?" he asked me with authority in his voice. "Yes sir" I reply.

Published: 11th of june 2022

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