The pound

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
"They what?!" Alfie loudly snapped towards Mr Striker before grabbing a hold of him. He roughly slammed the man against the wall behind him. The mother of the orphanage quickly stood up to tell the children to leave the room with her. "Where's my dog!" Alfie raged at him, "where is he!". But the man was not budging in the slightest, absolutepy frozen in fear of Alfie. Meanwhile Oscar tried to get Alfie off, while begging him to come with him. But in Alfie's blind rage, he pushed Oscar away from him. Which made him fall to the ground. Immediatly I  went to him, to help him of the floor. As soon as Ozzy was back on his feet I laid my hand on his back to ask him if he was alright. But he flinched and I could see his face contour in pain. "Are you hurt?" I questioned him as I tried to look for the place that hurt him. He nodded and I asked him to show me where. He motioned to his back. Confused I leaned back before carefully pulling his blouse up. Anger immediatly filled my veins as I saw what was on his back. Dried up blood, welts and laches where spread across his back. I turned my head to Mr Striker and noticed the cane in his hand. My hands clenched into fist and I immediatly stood up to pull Alfie away so I could punch the bastard. "You touched my son, you fucking bastard!". Even Alfie realized what he had done and grew even more angrier than I could imagine. I turned around to Ozzy but he was no where to be found. I looked around for him in the room. Then I realized he most likely had taken off as soon as I turned away from him. "Alfie" I tried to fain his attention, "Alfie! Oscar left to go find Cyril". Alfie turned his head to me to awknowledge he heard me before turning around to Mr Striker. "To which pound did they bring my dog" he snarled, "I.. I don't know... I just gave... him away.. to a person... who took him to one" Mr Striker stuttered. Alfie glared at him and I stepped forward to get Alfie to come with me.

 Alfie glared at him and I stepped forward to get Alfie to come with me

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Alfie then let go and walked away. I turned to Mr Striker. "I'm taking all these boys to my own instition. If you get in my way, I'll fucking kill you" I snarled before following Alfie outside. "Let's go find your dog and my son".

(Oscar's P.O.V.)
I ran as fast as I could to the dog pound that I knew. I didn't want to wait on Mr Solomons and Mr Shelby to finish with Striker. In that time something could've happened to Cyril. I eventually arrived and ran up to the gate. "What are you doing here?" An older man snapped at me, clearly not liking that I am here, "shouldn't you be at home?". "I have no where to go" I told him, and he laughed "a stray, just like the dogs here". "Do you have dogs here?" I asked sounding clueless to him but of course I already knew this. It was just a white lie to try and get him to let me inside. "Of course I have dogs. Why do you think I am holding these buckets?" He said and lifted the buckets to me, "I'm going to give them their dinner". He walked away but after a couple steps he stopped beforw turning back to face me. "You can help me, if you want of course" he told me before walking further. I smirked, my plan worked. I opened the gate and walked through it to follow the man. "This is shed A" the man said pointing at the most furthest one, "that's where we put the new arrivals. They stay there for about a day. On the second day, I bring them to shed B. And on the last day they go to shed C" he explained and walked to number 3 before unlocking the door. "That's why I give them their dinner first". I followed him inside and saw 4 kennels, each one containing about 4 to 6 dogs. I began to give them all some food as the man continued to explain. "If their owners don't collect them before tomorrow... then they are going to be put down". "Put down?" I asked shocked, "if a dog doesn't have a master, its going to stray. That's dangerous. It's a menace to society. So the government says we need to get rid of them" he explained. "Why not try and give them a new family?" I suggested. The man smiled but it was a sad smile "I've tried that before, son. But people only want puppies. Once dogs grow up, they get replaced by another puppy and get dumped here". We eventually made it to shed C. "These dogs came this afternoon". I walked inside and looked around for Cyril. But as we neared the end, I didn't see the Mastiff. Then the last kennel came up and I found him. "Here, Cyril, another one" I whispered and handed him another piece of bread. I needed to make a plan to get him and possibly all the other dogs out of here. But it had to wait untill it was night time. Thankfully, the owner of the pound, Paul, had offered me a place to stay for the night. That's what I did and I now just had to simply wait untill he was asleep.

(Alfie's P.O.V.)
We had tried our best to go to all of the pounds. But sadly, we couldn't go to all of them because after 5 PM they all close and you're not allowed inside. No matter who you where. "Let's hope Oscar found the right one" I sighed, "he's a smart kid. If he did, he'll find a way to get Cyril out" Tommy responded, "knowing him, he'll make sure all of the dogs do" I said with a laugh and Tommy agreed with me.

Publishes: 26th of February 2023

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