Different documentation

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(Alfie's P.O.V.)
I parked the car onto Tommy's driveway before getting out, Cyril following me inside the large house. Tommy and I where going to talk about finding a way to get Oscar out of the Striker orphanage. I was told by one of Tommy's house staff that he was in his office. I opened the door and Cyril pushed past me to go inside. I looked up to see Tommy behind his desk that was filled with documents. He was inspecting some documents, but I could tell that he was growing frustrated. Eventually it got so bad that he angrily threw some papers off. Before sitting back with a sigh.

I leaned down to grab a few of the papers before laying it back on the desk and the sitting down on a nearby chair

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I leaned down to grab a few of the papers before laying it back on the desk and the sitting down on a nearby chair. "How is he?" Tommy eventually questioned looking over to Cyril. I looked over at my dog who had laid down. "He is still taking the blanket everywhere, I see". Ever since Ozzy had been brought back the Strikers, Cyril wouldn't give up the blanket that Oscar had when he was with me. I guess it still smelled of the young boy. Tommy rubbed his head with a sigh "we need to find a way to get him out of the Striker institution". I leaned forward to place the last document onto his desk. Before my eye caught something. It was a written copy of Ozzy's medical records. While looking at Oscar blood type I asked Tom a question "Why don't you get the court to issue out a paternity DNA test. Like blood test or cheek swabs?". I lifted my eyes up from the medical record to meet his eyes. I could see the gears in his head ticking and turning.


(Oscar's P.O.V.)
I was back in the orphanage where I did not want to be. I knew escaping was an option, but I would just come back. Once I am back, I will definetly recieve the cane for escaping. So, how tempting the thought was, I pushed them away. I sat down on the chair from the piano and Mrs Striker had told me to practise a song. While I tried to learn and the other kids played games or did other stuff in the room. Pudgy walked into the room and loudly announced he had recieved a letter from his dad. Every lad, including myself, watched him closely. Alot of tbe boys here don't have dads and those that do, have never met them. So Pudgy was basically boasting about the fact that he did have and knew his dad. He laid down on one of the couches, shooing away two younger kids, before reading his letter out loud. "Dear Ben. How are you my son? I hope they are feeding you well. I ordered Mr Striker to take extra good care of you". So that was the reason why Ms Striker turned an eye away when he grabbed more food. "So that you will become a healthy and strong Brummie lad. I will write to you soon. Greeting from your father".

The next day I ran as fast as I could towards the letter box. As I slid to a halt on my shoes, I saw Pudgy turning away from the letter box. "Ha, this one's for me. From my father" he once again boasted showing the letter. "You never get letter, do you?" He questioned with a smirk, "or did you think there would be something here for you?". I did in fact, Alfie had promised to write me letters. But up untill now I still had to recieve one. "Here, take a look" Pudgy said before handing out the letters. I grabbed them and quickly took a look through them. Nothing. I sighed with dissapointment before handing back the letters and turning around to go back to the playroom. I took a seat at the piano and wanted to open up the lid to reveal the keys. But it didn't budge. I turned to Jasper and he shrugged not knowing why it was locked. I ran out the room to go find Mrs Striker. "The lid is locked!" I yelled at her once I saw her. She placed the washing basket down with a sad expression. "I'm not allowed to teach you anymore. Father won't allow it" she explained. I lowered my head in sadness as she pulled me closer for a hug. Walking back I saw Pudgy coming from Striker's office, with a mean smile on his face. Normally I would find out what he was up to, but now, that desire was also gone. So I just made my way to the dining hall to have dinner. After dinner everyone stood in their pyjama's ready for the inspection by Mrs Striker. She would just check to see if everyone brushed their teeth and stuff like that. But this time it was Mother. It was Mr Striker. "Someone stole money from the drawer in my office" he announced while looking at everyone. "The thief may now step forward and make himself known" he continued as he slowly began to walk through the rows of beds. "Well? Is anyone going to confess?" He questioned, "or must I beat it out of you!" He screamed in anger before slamming his cane on one of the steel bedframes. Making everyone flinch. He halted infront of me "who stole that money?". He leaned forward to come on my level. "It wasn't me, if that's what you think" I told him carefully. "No? Why not? Nothing has ever been stolen here before. And you are the last one to arrive, Oscar" he explained. "But you don't have to say anything. Because I will find out either way". He stood back up tall, before walking around my bed. He janked my pillow away, revealing a couple of coins. I looked at it and was confused. How did that get there. My eyes instantly went past Mr Striker locking with Pudgy. Who was trying to control his smirk. "What do I find here? A shilling" Striker said before taking it from my pillow. "I didn't do it" I tried to protest even when it seemed hopeless. Mr Striker ignored me and janked my bedsheets off, and then he lifted up the matras. He gave me an angry glare as he retrieved a bundle. He opened it and emptied the money in his hand. I gulped as he turned his hand around to drop every single coin to the floor. "Pick it up" he order coldly. I gulped but went down to my knees to pick up the coins. While doing so, I saw his cane move from the corner of my eyes and waited for the first hit. That evening, I couldn't sleep at all. My back was sore and the pain wouldn't let me sleep, even when I was laying on my chest. Then halfway throughout the night something happened. I heard loud voices coming from the ground floor. Everyome slowly woke up because of the commotion. Jasper and I shared a look, neither of us knowing what was happening. "Carefull Ozzy" Luke whispered as I carefully and sneakily got out of my bed and made my way to the door. The door creaked open as I lightly pushed it. I tried to peer through the doorway. But beside the loud talking that told us that there where people here, you wouldn't be able to tell. I tried to figure out what they where talking about but I couldn't make heads or tails of it. I turned back to everyone. "Ozzy dont" Jasper warned me with a shake of his head. But I didn't take his advice and pushed the door further open. On my hands and knees, I crawled forward over the passage of the second floor. Towards the marble railing that looked down onto the ground floor. My fingers touched the cold marble. I tried to peak through the railing but I didn't see anyone standing there. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, trying to search for them but they weren't on the ground floor. Then I froze when I heard footsteps making their way up marble stairs. I quickly scrambled to my feet and made my way back to the sleepinghall. Basically falling into the room. Everyone had wide eyes at the realisation why I was basically running to get back to my bed. Everyone caught on and made their way back to their bed aswell. All of us pulling the covers over us and making it look like we were asleep. I felt myself shiver as I heard the door open up. Scared that it was Mr Striker who had heard us, well me. Maybe him and Mrs Striker were having an argument. And then realized a kid was snooping around. To which the two where making their way up to the sleepinghall to, as Mr Striker always says, teach the kids some manners. But I knew it would have been me, even if he did or did not know that it was me. I was still going to be the one. The light got turned on and I began to shake more as I heard footsteps approaching. My body tensed up as I laid completely still and tightly shut my eyes. Then all of a sudden I heard a peculier sound. Almost like something was sniffing me followed by a wet nose to my cheek. I carefully opened my eyes and when I saw  who was infront of me, my body immediatly relaxed. "Cyril" I breathed out, to which he happily wagged his tail. Then a hand touched my shoulder. Instantly I flinched as my body rapidly turned to face the person who touched me. It was my dad who had touched my shoulder "It's alright" he softly whispered to me. He gave me a soft smile "we are taking you with us" he told me. "We?" I questioned. He laughed and nodded "yes me, Cyril and Alfie". I smiled a relieved smile, before taking his hand to follow him. But stopped at the doorway. I turned to my friend Jasper. "Don't worry. We'll find a way to get them to the Shelby institution" dad told me and gave a nod towards Jasper and the other kids. I mouthed a thank you at him and then followed him downstairs. At the stairs he stopped before bending down to pick me up. I flinched when he touched my back again. Anger flashed across his face, but I knew it wasn't meant for me. "We will take a look at that when we get home" he told me and pushed some hair away from my forehead. With Cyril following us while keeping a close eye on me, we made our way down the stairs. As we got closer to the ground level, I saw Alfie standing by the door with the Commissioner standi g beside him. Alfie was loudly arguing with Mr Striker. And now I could hear what they where talking about, it was me. He turned his attention away for a second as he saw us.

(Alfie's P.O.V.)
I watched as Tommy and Cyril came walking down the staircase. Tommy holding Ozzy in his arm.

"Wait! You can't take him

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"Wait! You can't take him. You have no authority!" Striker loudly yelled stepping towards Tommy and Oscar. But I stepped infront of him before he even got a metre closer. "Contrary to your believe. He actually has now gotten authorization from a judge" I told him. The man raised an eyebrow in confusion "how?". "Mr Shelby requested for the court to issue a paternity DNA test" the Commissioner began but was rudely cut off by Striker "untill the test provide proof of paternity, he still does not poses the right to take him" Strikee snapped pointing at Tommy and Ozzy, who hid his face in the crook of Tommy's neck. "That is correct. But proof of abuse does" The Commisioner replied calmly. "You have no proof of that matter" Striker stammered. "Not yet, but we did recieve a warrant to investigate it. And in the meantime, all the boys who live here are ordered, by the court, to be send to the Shelby institution" he explained and held out the warrant infront of Strikers face. His face fell as he realized he just got outsmarted. "Considering, Ozzy is also a boy who lives here. He too is going to go with Mr Shelby". "Your intelligence let you down, mate" I told the man before turning around to follow Oscar, Tommy and Cyril. We passed the staff that was gathered to take the other boys to Tommy's own institution. From the corner of my eye I could see Ozzy reach for me. Tommy and I turned to face one another, so I could take Ozzy over from Tommy. Oscar laid his head on my shoulder as we made our way to the car. "thank you" I heard him whisper with tiredness. He was so tired that when we made it to the car, the kid had drifted of to sleep. I placed him down in the backseat and Cyril jumped in behind to lay down next to him. I carefully closed the car door and turned to Tommy "now let's get that proof of paternity". Tommy nodded "the tests are schedueled for the coming friday" he told me.

Published: 23rd of April 2023

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