Father like son

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
Alfie stopped the car at my house. I got out and walked around the car so I could carry Oscar, who was still fast asleep, inside. Cyril jumped out the car aswell. I turned to Alfie. "Let him stay" Alfie told me before I could even ask if Cyril could stay. I nodded before walking inside, Cyril following close behind. "Let me take care of the child, Mr Shelby" one of my maids offers but I refuse, telling her I am capable enough. Ozzy stirs on my shoulder, moving his head to lean on his other ear. I push the door open and walked into tbe bedroom that was a door to the left of my own. Cyril jumps into the bed right after I had put Oscar down.

(Oscar's P.O.V.)
I stretch my body as I woke up from the sunlight that lit up the room. A yawn leaving my lips. I look around and immedistly sit up scared. I don't know where I am and I begin to panic. But then I spot Cyril on the end of the bed. And the memory of last night comes back to me. I was taken away from the Striker orphanage by my dad and Alfie. So I must be at dad's house. I swing the blanket away from me, before getting out. Cyril wakes up and follows me. I tiptoe towards the staircase. I hear voices from downstairs which take my interest. Beside dad's voice, I don't recognize any. I make my way downstairs and towards the room everyone was in. I peek my head around the corner and see about six other people standing in the livingroom with my dad. One woman looms familiar. I step forward and a floorboard creaks underneath my foot. Dad hears me and turns to face me. He smiles before reaching out to pick me up.

 He smiles before reaching out to pick me up

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He turns back to the rest of the group. "Everyone this is Oscar" he introduces me before telling me who each one was. "Arthur, John, Finn, Ada, Esme and-" he points to the last woman and I loudly exclaim "Polly". He raises an eyebrow and turns to face Polly with a questioning look. "We met before" she explains and smiles. I turn and reach out for her. She gladly takes me over. "Have you light more candles?" I ask her making her laugh, but she nods none the less. "I haven't" I tell her and lower my head. "Don't worry Oscar. I'll take you next time if you want". "Now let me take a look at you" Arthur said standing up from his spot. Polly puts me down and I look up at him. "Ha. He's your kid alright, Tommy" he laughs, "same eyes. Same smile. Spitting image of when you where a kid". "But a hint of his mother" Ada said adding to Arthur and offering me a kind smile. "Alright we have a few things planned today" dad said and motions for me to come to him.

I was taken to many places. First, was a hairdresser. Who cut my hair and styled it almost the same style that my father had. I had not been to a hair dresser in a long time, so my hair was a bit rugged and wild. The next stop was at a clothingshop. There I tried on many different clothes and even got a new peaked cap. I was also taken to a doctor. There they took some blood from both me and my father. Also my cheek got swabbed with something. I was told that it was for something called a DNA test, which can somehow tell you if you are father and son. But other than that I didn't really understood it.

A day later I went to what dad called a school. I have never been there so I had no clue what he was talking about. "Remember, your name is Oacar Shelby and you speak politely" he tells me. I nodd as I follow him inside the school building. We enter a classroom and I get pushed forward. "Good morning, Mr Shelby" the teacher greets before casting his head down at me, "my name is Mr Arman and what might your name be?". "Eh" I begin and look up at my father who gives me an encouraging look "Oscar Shelby". "And how are you liking it here?" He questions, "good" I answer, "can you not talk with two words?" Mr Arman asked. Two words, what does he mean by that. "Very good" I tell him as I stare at him. I tilt my head to the side. Clearly that was not what speaking with two words meant. I later learn that it meant putting Sir on the end of your sentence. The teacher ignores me and shows my father the door. He give a nod and turns on his heel leaving me. "Right, why don't you sit... there" the tewcher said and points to an empty chair before giving me a push. I sit down and turn to the chalkboard. Some letters are written on the board. I know a few but not all of them. With a stick the teacher points and asks me to tell him which is which. "A..B..C" I state, "very good, Oscar. I didn't think you could read" he tells me, "I learned it at the dog pound" I tell him, "they are very mean people. Who just kill dogs just because they live on the streets. Do you like dogs?" I question. "Now listen carefully, Oscar. If I ask you a question than you give an answer and that's it. Also a child doesn't adress his teacher with you. But with-", I interupt him and loudly say "Boss". "No, buddy. It's Sir" Arman tells me, annoyence clear in his voice. "Got it, Pal!". Every child around me loudly laughs. "Got it, pal? That's preposterous. Say 'understood, Sir' instead" he orders me, "alrighty matey". "Say, 'yes, sir' or I will throw you out" Mr Leonards orders loudly, "yes sir or I will throw you out" I cheekily said making everyone else continue to laugh hysterically. "Very well. Continue then" he snaps and points at another letter. I stay silent, I don't know this one. "Well?" He questions. I remain quiet. "Don't you know it or are you mocking me?". "I wouldn't dare, Mr Assman" I tell him. Kids are now gone in their laughing fit. "My name is Arman not Assman!". I laugh alongside the other kids. "And there is nothing funny about!".

I ran out of the school and towards my father. Who stood waiting at the school gates. Before we could even walk away Mr Assman, I mean Arman, walks towards us. He tells my father what had happened today during class. Beside giving a simple nod, dad doesn't say anything. We turn around and leave the schoolground. "Ass-man? Like in-" dad asked looking down at me. I nod and point to my butt and show a cheaky smirk. He chuckles "well, I did the same to my teacher. He was called Harding but I called him Hard-on". I stop and look at him "what is a hard-on?". "Uhm.. I'll tell you once your older".

Published: 13th of May 2023

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