(un)trustworthy part 1.

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
Today was the day that the DNA results will confirm that I indeed am the father and get custody of Oscar. Even Alfie came along. We all walked inside the office of the judge. He didn't find it nessecary to put this in a courtroom. I walked inside and anger quickly flowed through my body at the sight of Mr Striker. But it was gone as quick as it came when I felt a tiny hand clasp my own hand. I looked down at Oscar and saw his big blue eyes look up at me with terriefied eyes. I realized he had seen Mr Striker and was beginning to panic slightly. And him clasping my hand tightly was him asking for help. "It's alright, Ozzy" I whispered to him as I picked him up from the ground. He instantly wrapped his arms around my neck and hid his face. I felt him slightly shiver and shake in my arms. So I softly spoke to him and felt him relax almost immediatly. Meanwhile Alfie decides to block Oscar's view from Mr Striker. Eventually the judge walked in, holding an envelop in his hand. Alfie and I shared a look between the two of us. I turned my head back to face the judge who had now taken a seat. "I won't take any longer than need be. Because I think that most, if not all, persons in this room want to know the results of these test?" He began. I nodded "yes, Sir" and gave a quick look over to Mr Striker, who looked off for some reason. But I couldn't put a finger on it.

The judge soon pulled out the documentation feom the envelop

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The judge soon pulled out the documentation feom the envelop. That dreaded piece of paper that held the future of Oscar. If our DNA matches, I can take him home as my own, as a Shelby. If it's not a match then.... well I don't know what then to be truthfully. But that was not even going to be an option because my gypsy gut told me that I was Oscar's father, and it has never been wrong before. I saw the judge's eyes quickly read the document, before clearing his throat. "It has been determined by this court. Mr Shelby that you-". My heart beat fast, the world around me slowed down to a stand still. I couldn't hear my own breathing. The surrounding noises where drained into nothingness, whike the judge continued. "Are not the father". My heart sank into the dark abyss after hearing the results. Those four words. Those four fucking words. That tore down my world. Pain, hurt, dissapointment stopped my world. I couldn't take a breath. I was just stood there like a deer in headlights, while holding the boy who wasn't actually mine.... My mind couldn't wrap its thoughts around it, my heart screamed in pain. I knew I had to let him go know. Not only physically but mentally too. I have to let go... of him and of my feeling for him. I have to stop dotting on him like a father would. I have to shut that door close.... but... I can't. "No" I softly spoke, almost hesititant. "I beg your pardon?" The judge questioned raising an eyebrow. I regained my composure and wrapped my arms around Oscar even tighter. Showing them all that I refused to let him go. "No" I said loudly, "Mr Shelby the test-" the judge sighed and wanted to explain, but I cutt him off "fuck the results! How the hell do you know they are trustworthy? Someone could falsify them" I argued back and turned to Mr Striker accusingly, "now why would someone do that?" The judge asked crossing his arms. My mind went blank for the very first time in my life. So, I turned to Alfie with a plea for help. But like me, he also had no answer to the judges question. "Mr Shelby, I understand that it's hard to hear that the child who you thought was your own. Is in fact not yours. I have seen this many times before" the judge said and stood up from his chair, "but you have to give him up". My breath got caught in my throat and I looked down to those blue eyes. The blue eyes that I, like many other people, had thought came from me. They looked up at me, knowing all to well what everyone wanted me to do. But pleading not to actually do it. That little lip began to tremble carefully. I shook my head. "No. No! I am not letting him go. Blood or not" I snapped looking up at the judge, "I'll adopt him if I have to. He isn't going back to that or any other institution ever again". "You can't do that!" Striker butted in and stepped towards us. Immediatly I put Oscar down and pushed him behind me. And Alfie stepped beside me, blocking Striker aswell "I wouldn't do that if I where you" he voiced calm yet dangerous. All the while the judge just watched on, saying nothing. But eventually cleared his throat to regain our attention again. "Normally, I would agree in a heartbeat when someone wants to adopt a child. But knowing your history. I cannot, in good conscience agree for you to adopt Oscar. It would be highly unethical and dangerous". "So Oscar will go to an institution that I personally know and this case will be closed. Take him" the judge informed before nodding to the copper behind me and Alfie. Before I could even react, Oscar was grabbed. A cry for me ripped from his lungs as he kicked and hit around him, trying to get free. Meanwhile both Alfie and I where being held back. I fought and screamed at the two other coppers who held me back. Not letting me go after the copper who walked out the room with Oscar. "Let me go! I want my son!" I screamed.

 "Let me go! I want my son!" I screamed

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Alfie was also trying to get free. While all of this was happening, Mr Striker just stood snickering at the sideline. Like he knew this was going to happen. "Mr Shelby! Mr Solomons!" The judge yelled, "if you two cannot act civil, I will have you removed and will make sure neither of you will see Oscar again". He wasn't bluffing, he was serious and even Alfie knew it. We both stilled our action and with a nod where dismissed by the judge.

I sat on the steps to the courtbuilding. My mind was now wrapped in deep strings of thoughts. Can I do this? Can I do that? What if this? What if that? But all my question where unanswered, but I was sure of one thing. Alfie sat down beside me. He didn't say anything, just sat there, watching me wrap my head around things. "What you thinking?" He then asked me, "I don't know what to think. But Striker? Striker I don't trust" I answered him, "I just have a feeling.... that..that those results. Are not the correct ones". "You think Striker changed the outcome?" Alfie questioned. I thought for a second but then nodded "yes. Yes, I do". Alfie hummed before standing up with the help of his cane "then we need to get ourselves some proof-". He didn't finish his sentence immediatly taking a second to find the right words "-for your boy".

Published: 1st ofnSeptember 2023

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