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(Oscar's P.O.V.)
Mr Striker and the Commissioner had made a deal with me. I would not run away as long as Cyril could stay. "Alright. The dog can stay in the shed outside" Striker said and pointed out the window, "but you better not bring that filthy animal inside" he said and pointed his cane towards me, "if you do, you'll be im trouble". I nodded before leaving the office with Cyril.

"Here. A nice warm bed for you, Cyril" I said as I spread out the straw before tapping the spot telling him to get on, "come on". He went in and the laid down with a huff. I gave him a pet before I left the shed to go to the dining hall. I opened the door and walked inside. "Ah you're back" Mrs Striker greeted me friendly, "well you are more than welcome" she continued while serving the other lads their food. "Why don't you go sit in your old spot". I nodded and made my way to my spot next to Jasper. Sitting in front of me was Ben or Pudgy as everyone else liked to call him. He, once again, had more food than anyone else on his plate and when Mrs Striker turned around, Pudgy went for the sausages. Wanting to grab a view. "Stay off" I snapped grabbing his wrist preventing him from grabbing the sausages, "says who?" Pudgy replied annoyed, "are you deaf?" I asked him, "I told you to stay off". "Mind your own business" he snarled shaking my hand off before reaching for one again. "You have to wait your turn. Like everyone else" I loudly told him, grabbing him once again.  Then I immediatly let go when Mr Striker walked inside the room. He stopped at his spot at the table "let us pray" he said before taking a seat and starting the prayer. Everyone around me began to speak in union before glasping their hands together. "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit". Then I noticed Pudgy sneakily grabbing three sausages and placing it on his plate. I wanted to say something but something else caught my eyes. It was Cyril, he sneakily walked inside and dissapeared underneath the table to lay down next to me. An idea popped into my mind and I snatched the sausages away from Ben and quickly dropped them to the floor for Cyril to eat. Then, as if nothing happened I put my hands together to act like I was praying along. "And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen" everyone said finishing the prayer. "Amen" I said before opening my eyes again. Pudgy then noticed the missing sausages and glared at me.

When it came to bed time, Cyril had followed me upstairs. Everyone made a fuss of him, well Pudgy not of course. They seemed to like him aswell. "Guys, someone's coming" one of the lads, named Will, said and instantly everyone ran to their beds so they could pretend they where asleep. Meanwhile I pulled Cyril down to lay by my side and pulled the covers over him. "I thought I heard someone" it was Mrs Striker who had walked in. She did a quick scan before turning around. Sadly she noticed me and Cyril. "Oscar" she sternly said walking towards me, "you know Cyril is not allowed inside. If father sees this, you'll be in big trouble" she said pulling back my blanket. "Please" I begged, "let him stay. He won't harm anyone". "I know, but you can't have a dog in bed" she replied. "I'll make him sleep on the ground and take him back to the shed tomorrow morning" I said trying to convince her, "please don't tell, Striker". I saw her eyes soften "alright. But just this one time" she said before standing up. I nodded and told Cyril to get off my bed, which he did.

The next day, I had managed to sneak Cyril back outside to the shed before anyone else noticed. Now we all where in the play room, trying to occupy ourselves. I noticed something standing against a wall with a blanket draped across it. Intruiged I moved towards it and carefully looked underneath it. My eyes lit up as I realized that it was a piano. I pulled the blanket off before lifting the wood up to reveal the playing keys. My fingers traced over the black and white keys. I pushed down on some and the piano made noise. "Oscar!" A loud voice then suddenly boomed through the room and I flinched while turning around to Mr Striker, "get here this instance". I carefully and slowly made my way over to him, wanting to waste time for the longest amount possible. But when I arrived close enough for him, he roughly grabbed me by the ear before dragging me with him to his office. He threw me inside, almost making me fall over. "You have no manners. No discipline and you are disobedient" he began and started to walk back and forth through his office, "you let that dog inside even after I had strictly forbidden you from doing so. You even let him sleep in your bed". "Underneath my bed" I commented back. He turned on his heel to face me. "Father. Say it. Call me Father". I refused to speak further. "Say father to me" he ordered. Once he realized I was not about to call him anything he stepped towards me. Before leaning down "you are a rat and should be exterminated as soon as possible. But I'll break you soon enough" he threatened and I gulped. "I'll beat that insolence out of you". He stood back upright before ordering me to unbutton my blouse. My heart began to rapidly thump as I went ahead and unbuttoned my blouse. From the corner of my eye, I could see him grab his wooden cane. I got told by the other boys that the cane was the one that hurt the most. I felt the first hit connect against my back just between my shoulderblades. It was excruciatingly painfull as it left a burning and stinging feeling. With each strike the pain intensified. I felt my lip quiver and tears prick my eyes. Eventually he was satisfied and placed the cane back down on his desk. "Now don't worry Oscar. I found a good place for him" Striker said fixing the collar of his shirt, "at the pound". My eyes went wide and filled with tears, everyone knows what happens to dogs who go to the pound. Then he ordered me to go back to the playroom. Clueless and confused I walked back. I had tried to find him, but had no luck. Even when I tried to find a way out, I realized that the doors where all locked. In defeat, I walked back to the playroom. With every move, my clothes sticked against the open wounds on my back and opened them even more. It irritated me but I couldn't care less. I just wanted Cyril. I walked back to the piano and sat down before playing some keys. "That's pretty good, Oscar" it was Mrs Striker who had arrived by my side, "wait, let me teach you a song" she said grabbing a music book, "I dont want to learn from you!" I angrily told her, "you betrayed Cyril". She chuckled and began to play some keys herself "do you really think it was me? Wise up, young man, and look around". I did as she was told. None of the boys looked like the one who told Striker, but then my eyes landed on Ben. "Was it Pudgy?" I questioned, "like I said, I'm not a traitor" she replied. Then Mr Striker walked inside with two people behind him. I turned my head wanting to know who they were. Once I knew who they where, I got up and ran towards them before loudly exclaiming with fear in my voice "Alfie! They took him to the pound".

Published: 25th of February 2023

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