Chapter 3 - Confused reality

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Richard imagined that the man would fear for his life and that he would go back to the forest running trying to hide from that "creature", but he did quite the opposite. The "angel" hadn't seen him when he came out of the forest but he shouted for her to hear him:

- "Hey! Down here! You're so beautiful! So perfect!"

While Richard totally scared and nervous, not knowing what to do, wondering: "WHAT THE FUCK  IS GOING ON HERE?? WHY THE FUCK IS HE DOING THIS?? NO ONE IN THEIR SENSE WOULD DO THAT, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. NOW!!" and then the worst scene happened...

She looked at him and saw him, chuckling, as if she was "ashamed" and then said to the man:

- "Thanks... for the compliments... I don't usually come here, and I'm a little hungry, can you help me?" (when he heard the woman's voice, it was a sweet, delicate, pure voice, but as she was gigantic, the voice was very thick due to her size and timbre, hence a delicate and thick voice at the same time, it was strange and he could hear them both because the man was screaming and the woman because she was giant, so her voice naturally was a little high)

The man: - "Of course! How can I do that?"

The giant *lowering her body and her face, leaving it at ground level and leaning her chin on the floor and opening her mouth*: - "Just get in there and I'll take care of the rest, okay?"

The man: - "Ahm... Alright, if it's to feed my goddess, I'll be your food"

He enters her huge mouth and when Richard loses sight of him in the giant's mouth, she closes it and then stands up again. Richard is horrified by that scene, not understanding practically anything, thinking why would he enter like that? So easy and with that bizarre thought? Did he not want to live? He gets more and more confused and much more nervous when he learns that an angel is devouring a person, shattering all his beliefs that angels are good. And then when she sat down again, he was still watching her so shocked he just stood there. Richard observed that she started moving her mouth and chewing the man, his bones and screams were heard from inside her mouth and when she swallowed, the screams were still heard, as if he was still alive in her stomach and blood oozed from her mouth from her "food" and dripping onto the floor, while Richard watched with a terror never seen or witnessed before, putting his hand over his mouth to keep from screaming in terror as he watched she clean her mouth from the blood that remained with her own tongue until she said:

- "Own... These humans... are so easy to prey on, it's really nice to live here and they have such a unique taste.... it's so boooo- WHO'S THERE?". At this moment Richard found himself hiding from the giantess, fearing for his life trying to breathe as little as possible, his despair increased more and more, adrenaline began to go to every nerve in his body, his heart pumped adrenaline like a pump in pressure at the same time. He would be her next meal if he stood there, with no chance of escape or defense. Managing to calm down, he breathed more slowly and then he hears something very heavy moving, looking back again, he sees the giantess standing up to her 15 meters tall, looking around, as if she was uncomfortable with something and started to go. in the opposite direction to Richard's, in which with each step of the giant, the leaves and branches of the trees fall looking like it was having an earthquake, so when the footsteps were no longer felt, Richard tried to regain consciousness a little and gather what he could information in such a short time.

He couldn't stand it and started crying right there, with all that happening, his head was very messed up, his memories of his past came to the surface, girls hitting him for being "weird" or for being different, being stepped on and kicked, everything came like trains without brakes, those shadows from the past were finally surrounding his mind again, destruction, sadness and loneliness was what was left in Richard's mind.

"A man was devoured, chewed up and I still couldn't do anything to save him... I COULDN'T SAVE him... and he was still treated as if he were a common food" asked Richard, blaming himself for not being able to save him. Breathing and calming down completely, he regains his reason and knows he can't stay there, he went back to his tree of origin, simply lying down and thinking about what happened.

"Oh my God.... What's going on?? A few days ago I was in my bed when I just got back from work, then I wake up in the middle of a forest with a horrible headache wearing an outfit I don't even know. was when I went to sleep, I had to look for somewhere to survive, I had to make my own fire, I killed a wild boar with my bare hands and had to take out its entrails with my bare hands, I feel something watching me through the forest, noises of branches and something heavy dragging, then I feel attracted to a place and I find an angel woman about 15 meters tall who had a comfortable aura and then she devours the guy like it was any food and still talks about how shit we are (okay, sometimes it's true, but wait a minute right?) and still walk around like it's something normal??? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE??? WHERE AM I - No... No, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. No way for this to happen.... THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, it's a fictional place, it can't exist, it wasn't supposed to be that easy.... I'm... in.... Felarya!!??".

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