Chapter 15.1

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3rd POV

Nezuko grabbed Tanjiro's hand and ran down the  hallway towards a room at the end. She opened the door, revealing two people running across the room. The first one was running away from the second one.

"AAHHH! NEZUKO-CHAN HELP ME FROM THIS PSYCHOTIC BOAR!" Screamed the dorito looking boy while getting knocked down by the other.

"HAHHAHHAAHA!"  Laughed the boar guy while the dorito guy under him squirmed like a helpless worm.

"Inosuke! Let him be, he's clearly uncomfortable!" Shouted Nezuko while Tanjiro looked at them confused to why they were acting like this.

"Anyways, this is my elder brother Tanjiro" Nezuko looked at Tanjiro with a smile on her face. Tanjiro gave back a small smile while looking at the other two.

"Hi..." he simply said while waving his hand a little to show that he doesn't mean any harm.

Zenitsu looked at Tanjiro, then Nezuko and Inosuke.

"Isn't he the demon that lost control at the hashira meeting...?" He asked while looking a bit worried.

"Yeah...but he didn't mean too...right?" Nezuko held Tanjiro's hand a bit tighter. Tanjiro nodded and bowed down to show that he's apologizing for the trouble he caused.

"Don't worry Tanjiro, it wasn't your fault after all"

Inosuke stood there dumbfounded and just stared at them while blinking a few times before he remembered.

"AHA! YOURE THAT GUY! HAHAHAHA! FIGHT ME STRONG GUY!" He said while rushing towards them. But before he came all the way to them, he got head butted in the head by no other then Tanjiro himself. Inosuke wiggled from side to side before falling backwards on the ground.

"Huh?....HUH?! H-HE DID THAT TO HIM SO EASILY?!" Zenitsu screamed while clinging onto Inosuke and shaked him violently.

"Oh for gods sake Zenitsu don't be so dramatic! Inosuke will be fine"

Tanjiro smelled the air, inhaling a kind of smoky scent but still a bit sweet. He carefully followed the scent towards a room a bit further away. He started to tiptoe when he was almost at the door. He slowly opened the door and looked inside. There in a bed layed the flame hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku. Tanjiro looked around to see if there was anyone nearby. No one. He walked through the doorway and made his way towards the bed. He stopped when he was infront of it. He patted his head in order to wake up the sleeping hashira, which he succeeded with.

The bigger male groaned and opened his eyes. Seeing the demon that saved him from near death stood right infront of him.

"What...? How are you here, did you break in?" Rengoku asked while trying to sit up. How ever, Tanjiro pushed him down onto the bed carefully for him to not make his wounds worse.

"Answer me...!"

Tanjiro sighed and opened his mouth to speak.

"I've regained my old memories, don't know how but I guess it was all just luck. Anyways, I wanted to come check on you to see if your feeling better since the fight you had with Akaza".

Rengoku looked down. A smile was forming on his face.

"Ah, I see. I do feel much better since then, thank you for asking". He gave off a bright smile and laughed.

Tanjiro didn't smile tho. His eyes were as empty as ever.

"What's wrong?" Rengoku asked while lifting his eyebrow.

"It's just that...I've got a feeling that Muzan is looking for me. To be honest, I don't even know why he spared me when he literally wanted to kill me and my family all together".

Silence filled the room. Not even the wind from the open window could be heard.


Y'all I'm so sorry for the short chapter, I haven't been feeling that well for the past month. I went to the hospital today and found out that I've got an infection in my kidneys and bladder. So I'm putting this for on-hold until I'm feeling better.

Again, so sorry for the short chapter and perhaps some spelling mistakes. I really hope y'all have a wonderful summer vacation.


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