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Namjoon pov

Ok everyone that's a wrap, one of the directors said. All the members gather around and cheered after completing their first ever music video. Congratulations everyone we did it, Jin cheered. I really hope this gets at least 300 views, Yoongi said. Why so little hyung, I asked.

Well I'm not so sure on how well we could honestly do but I do wish us best that it's better than we imagine, Yoongi said. You got that right now let's get back to the dressing room. Bang pd is taking us out for dinner tonight to celebrate, Hobi said.

Yes I'm so hungry, Jimin yelled as him and Tae raced out the set. No running y'all you'll trip, Jin called out. I swear teens are so annoying, Yoongi said. As they were walking off all I could do was look around at the set and wonder if this would take us far. H-hyung are you ok, Jungkook asked? Oh yeah I am just ya know proud I guess, I said.

Alright well come on before Jin hyung yells at you, he said. I'm leader he shouldn't yell at me, I said playfully. Jungkook chuckled as his face turned a light shade pink. But he's still older than you, he said. I rolled my eyes as I walked along with Jungkook to the dressing room. While everyone in the car talked and celebrated more I was busy with our schedules.

Lord it was so many award shows, dress rehearsals and dates for next song recordings. I'm only eighteen and already managing a whole group. Lucky organizing is easy if only I could-. Hyung! Holy hell can you hear, Jimin yelled. I looked up and some of them were out the car waiting for me. Come on man we been calling you for a minute, Yoongi said.

My bad y'all, I said. What's up you been so out of it lately, Hobi asked. Nothing really just busy scheduling, I lied. I guess I could understand you know what can help a nice meal and maybe a drink, Jin said. I'm eighteen I can't drink yet hyung, I said. Oh right I forgot welp more for me and PD, he chuckled walking in.

Welcome BTS, Hitman bang said. Hello sir, we all said. Come sit sit and tell me how the shooting went, he instructed. We sat together at the table of the restaurant as the makane's told him how fun it was. As the rest of us either watched and laughed or zoned out like me.

Sounds like y'all had a blast I'm glad you did but as much as I want y'all to have fun right now it's gonna be tough, PD said. As y'all know we're almost bankrupt and out of business, he explained. We all looked at one another with sad expressions.

Y'all are my last hope in making this place a worldwide company and keeping it alive. I expect a lot from y'all especially you Namjoon, he said. As leader I want you to guide BTS to succeed and become the biggest band out there. The biggest, I said. Not the biggest but to the point alot of people know you, he said.

I'll try my best to make that happen, I said. You won't try you will, PD said. I will, I repeated. Good now dig in guys you deserve it, he said. We blessed the food before digging in and enjoying each other company. As for me I was more nervous than before. Lead us to success could I do that?

I could barely lead myself out the door this morning how can I manage all of this at once. It seem so fast but I made the choice to join this group to be leader and to guide us. All I had to do was keep it right? I was out of it the rest of night just watching the others have fun and being so care free.

It was now the end of the night and it was time to get some rest since tomorrow we had our first ever live tv performance. We needed good night rest for tomorrow. When we arrive to the dorm half of us already went to bed as the other aka smaller ones stayed up watching TV. I was in the living room with them as I organized our schedule some more.

What you working on hyung, Jungkook asked quietly. I'm working a little more on our schedules, I explained. He looked at my notes and smiled. Your note taking skills are really n-nice, he said. Ahh thank you Jungkook, I said. From across the room Jimin and Taehyung we're giggling as they kept teasing Jungkook for whatever reason.

I'm going to go to bed now goodnight hyung, Jungkook said. Goodnight have a nice rest, I said. He nodded his head as he left the room quickly. For the next couple minutes all I could hear were just the giggles from the other two. Y'all stop that I bet if you stopped doing whatever your doing Jungkook would be alot less nervous, I said picking up my stuff to go to bed.

We don't think that's why he's nervous hyung, Jimin said. Then what we all need to work together to make one another more comfortable we don't know how long we will be together, I said. You'll see if he ever grows the balls, Taehyung said. Hey stop it, I said. Yes Hyung, they said disappointed.

Get to bed soon I don't want any issues waking you two up, I said. As they went to the room I went to the bathroom. When washing my hands I looked outside. The moon was out and was bright lighting up the river across from us. While gazing I saw a little shooting star traveling the sky.

Upon looking at it I closed my eyes and made a wish. I want success for this group, show me that we can make it big, I wished. I open my eyes and yawned. Let me get to bed, I thought myself.

As I walked to my bunk I could see Jungkook writing in a book. To tired to ask I waved him goodnight as I immediately fell into a deep slumber. An hour later I heard a crack on thunder. I awoken and saw everyone else asleep. I looked outside to see a terrible storm. Sigh.

I went back to sleep but with the flashing lights and noise it was harder than before. After a while I was finally dozing off. Let's hope tomorrow will be something good.

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