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To be honest I thought we would be going to a public place but instead we went to a private mall. For the rich only though which I didn't know was a thing. Turns out only the biggest are allowed here making it empty half time but still popular. Alright let me just get fitted for a suit and then we can probably buy stuff and eat, Jimin said sounds like a plan and let's get mini Joon a suit to, Tae said .

What do I need a suit for, I asked to see your wedding duh, Jungkook said. I get to go, I asked. Well yea- I would like you to, Jungkook said. But what if I leave anytime soon or find a way to go back, I said. Jungkook then grabbed my hands. I would hope you get to stay long enough for this, he said. Now come on let get you styles and Jimin to, Jungkook said.

Getting fitted was pretty new. Having people measure and tie your arms legs and waist felt weird. Jimin stood there like it was a daily thing for him though. After all that they told us to chose a fabric and inspired design we would want and they would and it would be shipped to us in a few days.

Me and Jimin got to chose a design and how we wanted it to look. Mines came out pretty good while Jimin looked way better design then mine.



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The color scheme was a brown or brown-green like colors

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The color scheme was a brown or brown-green like colors. Jungkook helped me choose what to get on my suit. He said he would want me to be comfortable while wearing this since I'm not used to such fancy wear. Alright now that we're done with that can we buy somethings I need new jewelry, Tae said.

Sure but let's hurry though cause some reason I got tired, Jungkook said. Alright then we will be quick, Tae said. Actually how about we just split up y'all can go get food while me and Tae shop, Jimin said. Not a bad idea jim, Jungkook said. You good with that, Jungkook asked? Yea I'm fine with it, I said.

Oh shit wait we need to get you a hair cut, Jungkook said. Alright then you do that and get food, Jimin said. Ok then come on mini Joon let's get rid of this, Jungkook said. Still don't see what's wrong with it, I said. Alright be very in luck cause this hair stylist is a friend of mine, Jungkook said.

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