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My god you sleep alot and where did those earrings come from they look expensive and those rings there pretty, Jimin said. Did you rob someone, he said. I could only stare in disbelief.

I was met with a child looking Jimin not the mature older one. Uh y-yea, I said. My bad, I said. Hurry up we have a performance to do soon, he said. The others are waiting for you. He then walked out the small room closing the door behind him.

I sat up more sitting on the edge of the bed. I touched the ring and earings to make sure it really wasn't a type of dream. I then reached in my pocket and felt a familiar item. I pulled it out to see the picture of future me and Jungkook. I smiled knowing that it was all real and that it would be true one day.

I took the rings off and took the picture placing it in my pillow case. I can't have them find those for right now but I'll keep the earings. I walked out to see everyone on the floor eating breakfast.

Finally you woke up, Jin said. Sit and eat, he said. Ok my bad, I said as I sat. Everyone seemed tired and really nervous. After what Jimin said today's performance day. Are y'all ready for today, I asked?

Everyone groaned. I frowned seeing everyone looking lost and extremely displeased.

Eat up soon so we can leave soon, I said digging in. Everyone did just that. I noticed a pair of eyes looking at me. I looked up back at him as he looked away quickly. I smiled at his cute demeanor.

After breakfast everyone made there way to the van as we got to the performance stage. We were in the dressing rooms as the dresses us up and did our makeup.

Everyone seemed really out of it and just not in the mood. So when the workers left I decided to speak up. Ok everyone I can tell a lot of y'all are nervous, I said. It's ok to be this will justify our careers, I said. But we got this I know we do and I know this will be the start of something big.

Give it your all today and ever other day we got cause it's not the last ok, I said. Give it some faith please. Everyone just looked at me shocked by my words. He's right y'all, Jungkook spoke up. And probably the only time he's really spoke out.

We been moping and depressed about something that can make our future, he said. We gotta be exited about this and give it our best, he said excitedly. Soon everyone stood up and started speaking out to.

Your right I'm sorry about my mood I've been scared, Jimin said. Same it's nerve wrecking, Jin said. I know it is and I've been dealing with that nervousness too, I said. But for now on let's speak and talk about it as a group instead of just keeping it in, I said.

It can cause dysfunction and we don't need that, I said. What about you then, Yoongi spoke out. Are you finally gonna stop putting a wall between you and the rest of us, he said. I looked him dead in the eyes. I could tell he felt this way for a while.

You have my word I'll be more open to y'all and I'm sorry for shutting you all out and looking over your own problems, I said. Takes a big man to admit there wrong, yoongi said.

He held his hand out. Respect, he said. I shook it smiling. Now let's go out here and make the best of ourselves, I said holding the door open.

The atmosphere too such a depressing vibe turn to one filled with hope and energy. Everyone left out the door but I stop one before he could leave just yet. Good job, I said. About what, Jungkook whispered.

I don't think my words would have had much impact on them but once you spoke up more hope sparked in them, I said. He smiled shyly.

Thank you rapmon, he said. No problem kid, I said. We walked out and waited for them to announce us as we walked out on stage and got into places.

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