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~Months later~
(This is set after new year break and since it's a new semester they have new teachers to inform)

Today was a stressful day. Also was needed to be done college was starting back up soon more music needed to be made for the album and approved. Everyone needed there school schedules done. And so much more. Joon, Tae yelled.

Yes Tae, I said. Um I wanted to know if you had my month schedule done yet so I can see what I have to prepare for, he said. I sigh as I looked for his. Here, I said. Thank you and don't over work yourself ok, he said. I'll see, I said focusing back into my own schedule.

After a few hours of contacting teachers and workers I was finally almost done. I was so tired though and stress. As I was about to hit save on my file I ended up deleting it by mistake. After figuring my mistake I had it. I banged my hand onto the desk and screamed.

God damn it, I yelled! I guess I was really loud cause someone walked in. It was Jungkook. Namjoon-hyung are you ok, he asked? No I'm not fucking ok I have been wasting my hours making sure everything is right and my dumbass deleted all of that all those god-damn hours were for fucking nothing, I said!

He stood back for a second startled by the yelling and cussing. He then walked in fully and ask if he could see the computer. I moved from the chair to the couch and laid there.

He started clicking and typing something in and after about ten minutes he smiled and looked at me. Here you go hyung it's all back, he said. My head turned and looked at the computer screen and sure enough everything was back.

I laid back and covered my face. All the anxiety and stress crumble onto me. Hyung are you ok, he asked. Your shaking.

I'll be find Jungkook thank you very much, I said. My eyes were watery and face red as I looked at him. He got up and sat beside me.

Are you sure hyung you know you can tell me, he said. He rubbed my hand and then it all came crashing over. I'm not ok Jung, I cried. I'm extremely tried I haven't slept in so long. School starting up and bang got upset the other day cause I was behind on so much.

I haven't had time for myself and everyone is needing there schedules soon and even staff are now needing our schedules so they can tell me how to work around our hours, I said. I'm tired and I want to quit, I said. I cried more just having all the emotion escape from me.

Namjoon-hyung, he said. I really wish you would talk to us more what happened to being more open, he said. We been worried you been over working yourself again and I guess we were right, he said.

I know it's stressful right now everything a bit tight. Time is, money is, just alot but letting all that bottle up isn't good either. Your gonna end up like how it is right now, he said. I've been extremely stressed just thinking about it all and having to do it all, he said.

Jin hyung been stressed cause he gonna have to miss out on his last semester in college cause it won't be enough time for him to be in, Jungkook said. Jimin and Tae are in their last year of highschool and are scared shitless, he said. Watch your mouth, I said. My bad it slipped but my point is, he said.

Your not the only one stressing and I feel like if we opened up more things could be easier on us. And Namjoon-hyung not everyone is dependent on you please be dependent on us at times to please, he asked?

Do what you said you would do months ago and talk to us, he said. I looked up at him and nodded my head. I then pulled him into a bone crushing hug.

Thank you Jungkook your really amazing you know, I said. He smiled as he hugged back.

Over time me and Jungkook have gotten dramatically closer and our crushes on each other only grew. Now that I think of it pretty soon it when Jungkook asks me out, I thought to myself.

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