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Ok this is clearly not the same shade as the picture that I sent you, Jimin said. This is black not brown, he complained. Jimin it's alright if it's a little darker, F.Namjoon said. But Jungkook wanted the tables to be set like this I wasn't paid to be a decorator for nothing, Jimin said.

Your right handle it more calmly then we still have three days to fix it, F. Namjoon said. I guess your right, Jimin said. My bad sir I just want my friends special day to be perfect now let's go online and find the right shade, Jimin said. I walk into the dinning hall and it was beautiful. Yellow dimmed lights, fairy lights all around with streamers over it. Sheets on the ceiling.

It was perfect. Wow, Jungkook said as he walked in with Jin and Yoongi. Oh my god it's better in person, he cheered. Where is Jimin I need to thank him for this, Jungkook asked. He's over there, F. Namjoon said. Jungkook happily skipped over there and gave Jimin a huge hug. This looks amazing chim just know your paycheck is about to be bomb, Jungkook said.

I would do this even if wasn't getting paid I told you you didn't have to, he said. Yes but I still find it polite since it's your time and creativity. Anytime kookie, now any final touches or is this enough, Jimin asked? It's perfect thank you, he said. Anytime now imma go help straighten the kitchen up, Jimin said.

Alright then, Jungkook said. Jungkook then walked up to me and smiled widely. Gosh mini Joon I'm really excited and also really nervous, Jungkook explained. Why are you nervous weren't you so ready for this next step, I said. We then sat down at one of the unfinished tables. I am but remember as much as I love this man marriage is a huge ass commitment.

I'm ready for it but am I prepared for it, Jungkook said. Wedding jitters huh, I said. He nodded his head. I think this would be a better conversation to have with your future husband, I said. Your right but I also want to hear your words, he said. Well in my words I would say this is a big deal like huge ground breaking deal, I said.

He slumped his shoulders. But! It's also an amazing way to start a new chapter, I said. I know your scared cause you feel like you may mess up or not be what you expect yourself to be. You want to be perfect but if I was to be honest I wouldn't want that, I said. I wouldn't want you to be scared to be perfect cause you already are.

That's why I decided to marry you cause I liked you for your faults, mishaps, and fun times. I bet even myself is nervous more nervous than you think but once it happens it's gonna feel amazing and it's gonna feel like there was nothing to worry about. So please don't doubt yourself and know that what y'all have is beautiful and will only grow more with this next step, I said.

His eyes teared up and water up. Thank you Namjoon I really really needed to hear that, he said. That was just- wow, he said. Your the best Joonie, he said as he ruffled my hair and went to find present time Namjoon. I must say, Yoongi spoke up behind me. That was quite a speech, Hoseok also said.

What do you mean I was just cheering him up, I said. That's why I decided to marry you.” Don't you mean that's why F. Namjoon decided to, Hobi said. I was then reminded of what I said and I had said that instead of him. Oh um well I mean F. Namjoon is me so, I said. But it didn't work it didn't cover up what I meant. Quite a way with words I will say even I swoon a little and I'm not into sappy things, Hobi said.

Stop y'all it's not like that, I said. Mhm sure come outside with us the ceremony rehearsal will start, Yoongi said. I stood up and followed them to the hallway which lead us outside to the ceremony part. Woah it's nice out here, I said. It really is Jimin-shi went out for them, Yoongi said. As he should they deserve this, Hobi said. Hello we here, a voice said.

We turned around and. It was my parents but older. Huh Joonie, my mother said? You look younger than last time we saw you. And shorter, my father said. I was panicking a little and I could tell Hobi and Yoongi we're too. Then at the worst moment ever. Appa mother your here, Joon cheered. They turned around then looked back at me and nearly had a heart attack.

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