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Namu, I called out. What's up mini me, he asked. What else do we like to do other than paint, make music, and ect. I asked. Well on my free time I go to art museums or even gallery's and auctions for them, he said. We're interested in art, I said.

Yea there's more to art than music and dance, he said. Well yea I know art like painting and drawing, I said. Not only that art can be anything from sculpture to architecture and history it self, he said. I see so can you take me to an art place or so, I asked. We aren't interested in art in your time though, I said.

Well I know that but I wanna know myself more, I said. Ok then can Jungkook come along, he asked. Of course, I said. Alright get changed and I'll get Jungkook, he said getting up. I also follow since the clothing I get is from there room. I put on some sweats and a tight Tee. The closet was huge so they both walked in.

Jungkook needed a new shirt since his had a spill on it from F. Namjoon startling him causing him to spill his juice. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, Namjoon said. Joon you don't sneak up quietly to someone grab there shoulders and yell hey wanna go out! Jungkook repeated. My bad I got exited, F. Namjoon said.

It's ok Joonie just get me a shirt or so, he said. Namjoon nodded his head as he went to grab a shirt for Jungkook. That didn't seem good Jungkook looks kinda annoyed now. Here honey, Namjoon said passing him the shirt. Jungkook took the shirt off and replaced it with the one in F.Namjoon hand.

Let's go, Jungkook said grabbing the keys. You wanna drive, F. Namjoon said. I don't just bike like you do all around the city Joonie, Jungkook said. We bike, I spoke up. Why don't we drive around, I asked? Well you see kid I can't drive, F. Namjoon said. Still, I said!?

F. Namjoon then sighed. Yes still, F. Namjoon said. That's kinda disappointing, I said. Y'all making me not wanna go out, he said putting his hat. Why don't you want to take the car though, Jungkook asked. I don't know I feel it would be safer to bike today, Namjoon said.

Let's grab some bikes from the garage, Jungkook said. Are you sure, F. Namjoon asked. We're gonna have to bike on road and grass I never seen you bike in those circumstances, he said.

Well it's better for the environment right, Jungkook said. And also you think it would be safer, Jungkook said. I guess let's go, F. Namjoon said disappointingly. When we get out we put helmets on and made our way to a gallery. It was actually quite relaxing biking the streets I could see why we liked this. But Jungkook was having a hard time keeping up and kept spilling quiet curses under this breath.

You good kook, F. Namjoon asked. Yea, Jungkook said. Soon we made our way through a dirt trail near the woods. Hey Joonie you sure this is the right way, Jungkook asked. I read and they said it's a shortcut I decided to choose this route so riding the bike wouldn't be too long, Namjoon said.

Alright then don't get us lost please, Jungkook asked. I'll try, Namjoon said. Try, Jungkook yelled!?

As the bickered I looked around the wooded area taking up everything. This was truly peaceful and beautiful it was even relaxing. When I get back maybe I'll try this out whenever I get stressed, I thought to myself. Soon the dirt became more lumpy as we switched to a new area. It was a light drizzle happening but not as powerful as the storm that brought me here.

The dirt was getting softer making it harder to ride through. Well for me and Jungkook but Namjoon was having a easy time infact he looked like it was fun. Joon it's raining and also where's the exit of this forest at, Jungkook asked. We should be there soon, Namjoon said. I didn't get to bring a jacket, I said.

Stop the biking, Jungkook said. With that we all paused but it didn't go well for Jungkook. He rode over a rock covered by dirt causing him to fall from the bike and hard into the ground. Oh my god babe are you ok, Namjoon said jumping off his bike. Shit that hurt like hell, Jungkook said holding his head.

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