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In coming, a voice yelled after I felt it land right on me. Oof, I yelp. What the hell Jimin, I said. Wake up mini joonie yoongi made breakfast. I rolled my eyes as I got up stretching. Mini Joon go wake up Joon and Jungkook, Jin asked as he put food on the plates. Ok then, I said making my way to there room. I open the room and they look like the just got up.

Jungkook had a brush in hand brushing future me hair sleepily. While future me always still somewhat sleep. When he finished he gave future me a kiss as he got of bed. Oh hey mini Joon what's up, F. Namjoon asked. Jin wanted me to tell you food ready, I said. Alright then, Jungkook said.

When I walked out the room I was greeted by Hobi just waking up. Morning mini Joon, he said. Good morning, I said. I sat at the table with them as the rest of them sat down to eat. What's up for today, Hobi asked. Nothing for today,F. Namjoon said. Alright then, Yoongi said. I was envious on how laxed there schedule was.

They had time to do things and to sleep these last day been the best sleep ever. I was also growing nervous. I can't stay here forever I need to know when I can go home. I need to be there for my members what if time was still going for them and I was missing to them. They could be so scared right now, right? Or did time freeze for them.

I didn't know and that made me more nervous. Instead of chilling the way I've been I could be working more on what we have to do. Learning more the way I should. And gosh I have a college orientation to go to soon. It's alot and to much this is so much, I thought. I was soon startled by one of the members.

Hey kid you good your hyperventilating right now, Yoongi said. I guess I worked myself up into a panic but this isn't the first. Kid breath what were you thinking about, Yoongi said. To much that's what. After some breathing exercises I finally calmed down. Are you alright now, Yoongi asked. Yea somewhat, I said. What happened, Jimin asked.

It's nothing really, I said. That wasn't just nothing you had a full on panic attack, Jimin said. F. Joon you know yourself can you tell us anything that could have caused that panic, Tae asked. F. Joon stared my right in the eyes as he took a sip of coffee. He's stressed and scared, F. Joon said.

Of what, Jungkook asked. He's me from 2013 meaning during this time was out under alot of responsibility. Every night I would pull all nighters just to stay up and get everything for us together to make sure you each had a nice schedule for school, work, and a personal life. But I was also extremely tired and anxious.

I didn't want to make a wrong move or anything while we were starting as a group so I had never fully gave myself time to rest. Is that why you had panic attack, Yoongi asked. I nodded my head. I was thinking on how I could get back home cause I didn't want them to be scared or worried and I still had alot of work to finish and I was supposed to be at our first love show and get the next one ready.

I could feel my eyes water. It's alot and I'm only 18 I know I'm not and adult with responsibility but to be responsible for six others to other than myself is alot of work, I said quietly. I don't wanna mess up and ruin our image or even mine. And I don't want y'all to look down on me for being tired, I said. They all went quite and looked at me.

Soon they gathered into a group hug. We really wish you would have told us this back then Joon. We would have helped you through all those years you didn't have to go through it alone, Hobi said. Mini Joon I know this is alot of stress on your back. Your being faced with bigger stuff than you ever imagined.

And your facing it so young but you have us to help you. If you told us back then we would have been happy to help cause we were going through the same stress you were going through. When you find a way back tell them how you feel and make sure they get into their heads you need help alright, Yoongi said.

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