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Give it up for the main attraction Mr. And Mr. Kim, Jimin yelled into the mic. The doors opened and they walked out hand in hand smiling really hard as everyone cheered. They sat them down in the front of the room at their table and like that the reception started.

Everyone was handed there food as music played and everyone was passing gifts to the newly wed.

The table has the couple if course. The members minus Jimin since he was working on keeping guest entertained and me. Thankfully no else questioned me.

The couple couldn't stop giggling and kissing each other. They were so happy there eyes lit up. Wow an I always thought Jin would get married first since he's the oldest, Hobi said.

How's that going? Oh please be quiet I have my games, fishing, and my bed that's my full commitment, he said. We all laughed. This food is really good where did you go for it, Yoongi asked. It's a new company they opened up a few months ago, Namjoon responded.

It's so good, I said. Glad you enjoy it, Jungkook responded. After the dinner it was time for the grooms to have their first dance.

Alright everyone it's the special time of the night. The first dance, Jimin sung. Please welcome them to the floor.

Everyone clapped as Jungkook and Namjoon made their way down to the floor. The wrapped there arms around each other and just then the music started.

The song played and they swayed around. Everyone recording the moment as was I. I smiled at the two as they could only stare at each other. After the dance was done live music started and everyone was on the dance floor or tables. People walking up to the couple to talk and congratulate.

I sat in the corner talking with Yoongi and Tae till I heard some thunder. I passed in the middle of my sentence to see dark clouds cover the sky. The storms coming, Tae said disappointingly. Yea it is I'm not sure I'm ready to go back yet, I said.

Well you know what to do and fix right, Yoongi asked. Coming here wasn't for fun or random it had a purpose you were meant to learn or fix something about yourself so you could go back and bring us forward.

Im guessing your right I got a lot of advice here and learned somethings and also I know a lot more secrets about y'all, I said laughing. Wait huh I mean other than Jungkook massive crush what else did you hear, Tae asked?

I smirked. You won't know, I said going to get something to drink. Wait at least who, Tae yelled! I got to the table as I was able to look outside and see the rain about to come down.

I should probably head back now, I thought to myself. I got to say goodbye though.

I went around looking to everyone bidding my goodbyes to them. Jimin, I said. He looked up at me a waved. Hey mini Joon enjoying the party, he said. I am but I think it's about time, I said pointing to the window.

His smiled soon dropped. Oh no already, he said. Yea I m upset about it too but it's probably best I get back so I can live this all out, I said. Jimin then pulled me in a hug. Imma miss you been fun here, he said.

It's been extremely fun. Here take this before you go, he said. He then took off the earrings he was wearing. This were a limited time pair take them, he said. Jimin I cant take this it probably cost a fortune, I said. Who cares I cost more than those, he said.

I then took them and put them on. Thank you Jimin enjoy the rest of your days, I said. You too, he said. We hugged one last time as I went to the others.

Are you about to leave soon, Yoongi asked. I looked over and Jin was now at the table with him and Tae.

Uh yes I am just saying goodbye, I said. Oh I don't want you to leave yet, Tae said grabbing my arm. I don't want to either but I have to, I said.

Before you leave then take some farewell gifts, yoongi said. He pulled out a Polaroid picture. Here take this, he said. It was a picture of Jungkook and Namjoon dance. I took multiple so enjoy this one, he said. Thank you, I said.

Take one if my rings, Tae said handing it to me. I looked at the bueatifuly cut diamond. How much was this, I asked. Does it really matter, he said.

Yes- no, Jin cut off. Now head in before the storm ends, he said. I nodded my head. Goodbye, I said. Farewell, they all said.

I looked around to see Hobi talking with guest. I pulled him aside for a second. What's up mini Joonie, he said. Im going back home, I said. He perked up. Like to the house or to the past, he asked. The past, I said.

Oh, he said disappointingly but then smiled. I hope you accomplish what you want to and good luck ok Joon, he said. Don't be to hard on yourself and take time alright? And talk to us it will make the beginning much easier.

I nodded my head as he pulled me into a hug. Have fun, he said with a smile.

I smiled too as positive energy filled the area. I was now on my way to find namjoon and Jungkook. But they were no were indoors so I went outside to find them. They were sipping wine while sitting the steps outside hand in hand.

Uh hey, I said. They looked back and smiled. Hey mini Joon, Jungkook said. What's up? Well it's about time for me to go home now, I said. Like past, Namjoon asked.

Yea the past, I responded. Awe that sucks it's nice having you here, Jungkook said. I like the future, I said. That's why I wanna go back now I wanna life in it in my time, I said. They both stood up and gave me a hug. We're gonna miss you, Jungkook said. I'll miss y'all two it's been a fun week, I said.

It's been eventful too, Namjoon said. The rain started to pour harder. I guess I got to go, I said. They let go of me looking down at me.

Make this a reality please, Namjoon asked. I promise I will, I said. Good now go in before the rain stops, Jungkook said. I smiled as a nodded my head and started to run. I ran back to the building. It was a long run but it was the most peaceful run I ever had.

I guess it was weird to see a guy in a suit running randomly. I made it to the group apartment and stripped from the suit to some regular wear. The storm hit heavier. Trees swinging, lighting and even floods on the street.

It grew dark to even for it to only be 8 pm. I hopped into the bed and pulled the sheets over myself. I hoped this would work. I prayed and wished I could go back to my time line. To continue my life, to help this group, grow with them, and to get my love.

After a while of wishing a lighting bolt hit and the room lights were shut off. It was quite as I stayed under those blankets. It grew darker and darker until.


namjoon....namjoon.... NAMJOON, Jimin yelled. I awoken and it worked. I was back.

I was home.

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