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For the sake of this past Namjoon will be P. Namjoon and future namjoon will be F. namjoon. Yww

(P. Namjoon pov)

I shifted a bit wondering why I felt so comfortable for a second. I could have sworn this bed as rock hard. I woke up to see I was in an entirely different room. It was an amazing room though. White walls, a desk, book shelf, figurines, and alot more. Where the hell am I, I thought to myself. I got up and walked around the room exploring it a bit.

Maybe it's a dream, I thought. I pinched myself just to realize it wasn't and that this was real but how. I looked at some photos on the desk and saw that it was us but we looked different. Including me. Is this. I picked up the picture to see someone which looked like Jungkook and we were on a mountain together.

How was this taken and why do we look older. I was so confused but then I heard a crash outside. I opened the door and ran out. When walking the halls I realized I was in a whole new apartment. It was huge and beautiful. I walked out the kitchen to see.

Holy shit, I said. They all looked back with wide expressions. Namjoon what the hell, Yoongi said. What are you wearing and why do you look like that, Jimin asked. I could ask y'all same where are we and why am I- we- here, I asked. I thought you went on a jog, Jin said. A jog, I said? Joonie are you alright, Jungkook asked as he walked up to placing his arms around me.

Kid what are you doing, I said pushing him off me. Ok something's definitely up, Hobi said. Your telling me now where are we and what happened to our old apartment and why did I wake up in some random persons room, I yelled! Just then we heard someone lightly jogging into the kitchen.

Morning everyone, F. Namjoon yelled. Soon he stopped in his tracks staring at me as I stayed at him. OMG it's me, we both yelled. Everyone else went extremely quite. Wait is that Namjoon from the past, Jin asked. That's not possible right, Yoongi asked? I think it may be full proof is right here, Jungkook said.

Both Namjoon's were in complete shock. Wow your me but older and taller, I said. And your me but young, he said. Wow this um what a surprise to come back to I'm still confused onto how though, He said. Your confused I went to bed ready to do our first performance not wake up in the future, I yelled!

Wait what first performance, Jin said. Yea today was supposed to be our first TV appearance, I said. Wow he goes way back, Taehyung said. I need to sit, F. Namjoon said. Let's go to the living room for a uh meeting I guess, Yoongi called. Yea let's go, Hobi said. Everyone left the kitchen and I followed them into an amazing living room.

Woah, I said. They all sat down as I stood in front of them. This so freaky seeing you all so old, I said. Hey we're not that old your only like nine years into the future, Taehyung said. Nine, I yelled! Yea it's 2022 your from 2013, Jin said. I was even more amazed. This is just wow this place is- do we all live here, I asked.

Well this is the group house but we all have separate housing to, F. Namjoon said. How can you afford that, I yelled! Easy were millionaires, Hobi said. Wait we are we became successful, I asked! More than that were global popstars the most famous people out there, Jimin said. All I could do was stare in awe.

Wow just I know I've said that alot I'm sorry I'm just one confused on how I'm here and two really really amazed, I explained. Oh we're confused two you kinda scared us I thought namjoon really went back to that, Yoongi said. To what, I asked?

Nothing, they all said. So what were you doing before you magically got here, Jungkook asked. Well I was finishing up my scheduling while hanging out with Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung. Before bed I washed my face and did a cliche wish to a star then when I fell asleep a storm happened woke me up then I feel asleep again, I said.

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