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Thank you for the food, we all said as we digged in. This is really good the veggies are the best, Jimin said. Seriously good job Jungkook, Yoongi said.

Thank you, he said. As they spoke I was on my phone searching up different gallery halls around the area just to get more of a feel for it. Joon, they all yelled! Huh, I said looking up.

Ya know we spent a good time cook this you better eat more, Jin said. Oh my bad trust me this is delicious I was busy looking up something, I said taking bites of the food.

What are you looking for, Jin asked. Art galleries, I said. They all looked at me weird. Art galleries, they said? Yea what's the issue, I asked?

Nothing it's just we never seen you have any interest in art or so, they said. Same that's why I'm trying it out, I said. And I found one opening up here tomorrow so I'll go check it out, I said.

You enjoy that now phone away and eat I didn't slave in there for it to go to waste, Jin scolded. Right, I said. After the meal we put everything into the kitchen. I'll wash dishes, Jungkook said. Aw sweet thanks kook, Jimin and Tae said. They then rushed to the room.

I'll help to, I said. Oh no you don't have to, he said. I insist, I responded. Alright then, he said. We saw Yoongi and Hobi put their shoes on. Where are y'all going, I asked? A new cake was made at the shop we wanted to go try it out, Hobi said.

Oh alright then have fun, I said. Same as you, Hobi teased. They left and the others went to the room. Me and Jungkook cleaned the dishes in silence until I decided to speak up.

Hey Jungkook, I asked? What's up Namjoon-hyung, he said. Wanna watch a movie after this, I asked. He dropped the bowl back into he sink. Oh are you ok, I asked. Yea I'm fine just the soap and water makes it hard to hold, he said.

But um sure want me to tell the others too, he asked? Actually no I was hoping it could just be me and you, I said. You know bonding, I said looking at him. His face grew red and he bit back a smile. U-uh yes that's good, he said.

Great let's hurry and finish up then, I said. After washing and drying we went back to the main room and sat in the couch. I sat in one side expecting him to sit beside me but no he was in the other side. Are they sure he liked me or is he just really shy, I thought to myself?

Why are you over there, I asked. Oh I don't wanna be in your personal space, he said. I wouldn't mind, I said. I guess but really it's fine, he said. I rolled my eyes I scooted over to the other side.

There, I said. Now should we watch iron man or the amazing Spider-Man, I asked. He looked up. Do you even like that, he asked? If it interest you I think I do, I said. He smiled as he took the remote from hand and played Spiderman.

He sat criss cross on the couch eyes glued to the TV. A few minutes in I decided to try and put my arm around him. But everytime I tried to lift my arm up he jumped up at that moment.

When he was finally calm I was able to slowly put my arm around his shoulder. I could feel him tense up at that moment as he looked at me. I pretend not to notice being engaged with the movie.

He carefully leaned into it allowing himself to relax. I haven't seen this movie in a while it's really good, I said. Of course it is any Spiderman movie is, he said. Is that so, I said.

Yes, he said! Hey Jungkook, I said. What's up Namjoon-hyung, he asked?  Wanna go with me to the gallery opening tomorrow, I asked? Really, he said. Yea but I know it's not your thing so if you don't want to you don't have to, I said.

Well it's the least I can do since you watches this with me, he said. Hey don't think of it like that think of it as not repayment, I said. I would watch Spiderman lots of times if it means hanging out with you, I said squeezing his shoulder.

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