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Ok so schedule today is, F. Namjoon said hold a notebook. Wow we're in luck all we have to do is solo photoshoots, dance from 1pm to 5pm and music editing till 7pm, Namjoon said. That's all wow we're lucky today, Jungkook said holding F. Namjoon. I won't be back home till about 11pm, Tae said.

Why, Jin asked. I wanted to go to the new light festival across town, Tae said. Oh let me join to, Hobi said. Alright then, Tae said. Ok tell the security so someone can assist you, F. Namjoon said. And for mini me you stay here, F. Namjoon said.

Why must I stay, I whined. I wanna see what we do now plus the schedule seemed decent to, I said. Yes but if you get caught outside it could put you and us a risk and in for a huge scandal, F. Namjoon explained. I don't know how to say “Past me magical cam e from the future”.

Understandable so what do I do here, I said. Anything, Jimin said. We have TV with everyone channel and movie on here, you can dress up in the fitting room we got, maybe work on past work here and get caught up or so, or watch future performances of us.

I smiled widely at that. Wow really how many songs have we made, I asked. Around 230+, Hobi said. Holy-. Nope, Jin yelled! Oh come on we're all adults here, I said. Your just 18 chill, Jin said. Would you like a different spare of clothes I don't know why we dressed in alot of layers back then, Jungkook asked.

Uh yes I actually would, I said. Ok follow me I'll get you something, Jungkook said. I followed him to his and future me room. Here's the closet, Jungkook said. It's walk in, I said! Yeah, Jungkook said. I walked into the huge closet looking at each peice of clothing. Which is future my side, I asked.

None we share, he said. Oh alright then, I said looking through each peice. I found some shorts and a nice hoodie and decided to put that on. When I walked out the closet Jungkook was on his phone smiling. Soon he looked up in awe. Omg I've been looking for that hoodie, he said.

Oh is it your favorite one, I asked. Yes it was actually the first hoodie namjoon got me when we first got together that day was so hectic, Jungkook said. How come, I asked. Well one it was our first date and not to be rude but you messed it up a lot, Jungkook said in a teasing voice.

I messed up a date how, I asked. Sit down mini Joon, he said. I sat onto the bean bag. Let's see our first date was on Valentine's day in 2015, Jungkook said. You had planned to take me nature walking, make dinner, and the rest of the night we would just talk more about your developing relationship.

Well when we got to the hiking area turns out they were not letting us in. You accidentally bought tickets for March 14 not February 14. I was really sad cause I wanted to spend quality time with you but you assured me you would make up for it. So instead we just walked on a boardwalk. And for dinner.

It was a nightmare. You kept burning the food or adding to much or little of something. You were even cutting a carrot on it's side. So in the end I made us ramen cups. I could say I was kinda pissed that out first date was total ass. And I could tell you felt terrible about it. So you left for a while and came back later with this big green hoodie, my favorite snacks, and even a super hero keychain.

You apologize about a hundred times on how sorry you were about today. And afterwards I couldn't be mad. I didn't only fall for your charms and leadership. But you your mistakes, clumsiness, and even faults. We hugged it out and just cuddle the rest of the night together watching my favorite movies, Jungkook explained.

By the end of the story he was smiling really hard while twirling his ring. I'm glad everything went out that way, he said. All I could do was stare at him. Was this really how it started with us. We built a relationship even when the beginning went badly. Did Jungkook really love me this much. How did I realize I liked you, I asked him.

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