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(This rewrite does have similar elements in the actual episode, but with some minor changes).

The morning rises, as we begin in Lila Rossi's room. She gets up and gets ready for school. As she gets ready, we hear a voice mail from her mom, telling her that she has left to work, and won't see her until tonight. After hearing the voice mail, Lila goes outside, and walks to school. As she walks, she sees Nino, and approaches him.

    "Good Morning Nino." Lila said in a very nice voice. "Oh, hey Lila, I didn't see you there. How are you doing?" Nino asked. "I am doing good. I am just a little tired after last night. I have so much school work to do, since I was away for so long. I want to ask Adrien for help, but I can't. I am scared on how he would react, or if he has the time to. I am too nervous to ask." Lila said. "No need to worry, my best bud would be more than happy to help you out." Nino replied. "Really?" Lila asked. "Of course. Tell you what, I will tell Adrien your problem, and then tell you if he can help. Sound good?" Nino asked back. "Oh my God Nino, that would be phenomenal. You're too kind." Lila replied.

    As Lila looks away from Nino, she puts a wicked smile on her face, and the two of them enter the school. After a long day of learning, the class is dismissed. Before Adrien leaves, Nino tells him about Lila's currently situation. Adrien is ok with helping her, but of course, he can't. He needs to be at fencing classes, and that is that. Nino then tells Adrien that won't be a problem because it turns out fencing got canceled according to Lila. Adrien is confused because he never heard about fencing class being cancelled. Nino then assures Adrien that Lila knows the truth. Eventually, Adrien agrees to help Lila. Speaking of Lila, she is filled with joy when Nino tells her that Adrien can help her. Meanwhile behind a corner, Marinette is spying on her.

    "Can you explain to me why you are spying on Lila, Marinette?" Tikki asked. "Because I know she is just lying to get with Adrien. I can't let that happen." Mari replied. "Well, how do you know she is actually telling the truth for once?" Tikki asked. Marinette, with a disappointed face, responds with, "When has Lila ever told the truth Tikki?" "Hmm, true, but still that does not mean you should jeopardize it. Remember what happened that last time you used your Ladybug powers to interfere with Lila. She got akumatizied." Tikki replied. "Now's not the time Tikki. Look, she is already walking out with Adrien. I have to follow them." Mari replied as she goes to stop Adrien and Lila.

    Lila and Adrien are walking away from school, as Mari stealth-fully follows them. Tikki still believes Mari should chill out, and let this be. Besides, Adrien does know she is a liar, and that he does not love her. Mari tells her this is more than just love. She is saving Adrien from a "villain." Meanwhile, Adrien and Lila are chatting as they go to the park to work.

    "I can't thank you enough for the the help Adrien. It was really thoughtful of you to help me." Lila said. "Yeah, yeah, I am ok with helping you Lila, but are you sure fencing classes got canceled? I am sure they were still going on. And please don't tell me this is another one of your lies. I really hope you changed after the last time we spoke." Adrien asked. "Of course, I am promise you I am done with the lying Adrien. You were right, lying isn't the best thing to do to gain attention. However, I heard the teacher got a sprained wrist, so he has to rest up. Maybe one day you can show my your fencing skills." Lila replied lying. "Sure. Let's just get this over with, so I can head back to school when my bodyguard arrives. I don't want my father finding out about this, he will be very mad." Adrien said.

    The two of them make it to the park, and sit down at a table. As they get ready to work, Marinette spies on them from a good distance. Meanwhile back at the school, Kagami and the other fencers get ready to practice. As the instructor does role call, they realize that Adrien is not here. This has Kagami concerned a bit, but she and the class continue without him. Back at the park, Lila and Adrien start to work on Math. Lila notices a photo of his Mom in his Math folder.

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