Clawers(Original Story By Me)

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Our story continues back where the last story ended. Essence laughing villainously, as his machine works. After the machine stops making noises, indicated by the red button at the top turning off, a door opens. A conveyor belt starts to move forward, as someone kind of robot enters the room where Essence is. This robot is called a Clawer. It wears a black ninja outfit, a black hooded cape, you can only see red deadly eyes from within the hood, and two razor shard claws as hands. The clawer looks around the room, before making eye contact with Essence.

"Greetings Clawer. I am Essence, your creator. But you can just call me, master." Essence said. "Master......Essence......I am clawer. I live to serve your very order." The clawer replied as he is booting up. "Excellent. Your purpose is to not just serve me, but to capture the miraculous. If you look across the room, you will see two training dummies. One with the name, Ladybug, and the other, Cat Noir. They are our enemies, and we will stop at nothing, until we have their jewels. Your first task is to attack the dummies, so I can see your combat skills. I am hoping you will not disappoint me." Essence said. "As you command, master." The clawer replied. The clawer flashes like the speed of light to the dummies. He takes the one dummy with the Ladybug name on it, and throws it into the air. The clawer too jumps into the air, and slashes the dummy in half. The clawer then goes for the Cat Noir dummy, then slashes it countless times. When he is done, the clawer closes the robotic hands to form a fist. When the fist is formed, the Cat Noir dummy falls to pieces. "Perfect. I can't wait for those heroes to fall by the hands, technically claws, of my new robot. Actually, of my new robots." Essence said as he turns the machine back on. The machine then starts to make new clawers, one by one, and Essence laughs once again as he builds his army.

Back in Paris, Marinette wakes up, and gets ready for school. Marinette talks about how challenging Essence was two days ago. Tikki tells Marinette that they will defeat him, even if he is a hard opponent to beat. In fact, the last battle with Essence has been going viral all over the media. It is on the news, online, everywhere. As Marinette gets packed up for school, Tikki watches the news. She sees Essence, but then gets a bit confused about the red eye on his mask. "What is wrong, Tikki?" Marinette asked. "Nothing Marinette. It is just, that weird red eye on Essence's mask looks.......familiar." Tikki replied. "I am sure you saw it on some brand of clothes, or some food service. We can worry about it later, we need to go to school." Marinette said. "Ok then. Still, I swore I have seen it before." Tikki replied.

Marinette and Tikki leave home, not before grabbing some delicious macaroons, and go to school. As they walk, they see people talking about the battle with Essence. Again, everyone is talking about this guy. Even at school, Marinette's friends are constantly talking about Essence. Alya has posted about it on her Lady Blog, while others are claiming that Essence is a hired villain by Hawkmoth. Unlike everyone else, Marinette feels pretty messed up. When Essence almost killed her two days ago(he almost sliced her in half), she has been a bit scared. This is shown when she sees a news article about Essence, and looks away fast. "Marinette, are you ok?" Tikki asked. "Yeah, yeah. I am alright. Just, cold that's all." Marinette replied not wanting to tell Tikki the truth. Marinette goes into the locker room, and gets the books she needs from her bag. When she is finished, she goes to leave, only to be accidentally frightened by Jack Edgers. "Ahhhh!!" Marinette screamed as she falls to the ground. "Oh my God, I am so sorry, Marinette. I didn't mean too scare you like that." Jack replied. "It's nothing really. I am just.......a little tired still after yesterday. Remember I was moving boxes for my family's bakery." Marinette said. "Of course I remember. Here let me help you up." Jack replied, as he helps Marinette off the ground. "So, did you hear about the new villain? Heard he also defeated Ladybug and Cat Noir." Jack asked. Marinette, thinking back to what happened that day, replied with, "Yeah. Very........villainous." "Right? Well, I will see you in class in a few minutes. I have to get stuff from my locker." Jack said. "Ok, see you soon." Marinette replied.

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