Heart Hunter(rewrite)

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(Alright, we are finally here to the finale of my Season 3 rewrite/fanfic. I am very excited to show you what I have came up with. Now, it is worth noting this is particularly a rewrite of the original Season 3 finale. I will talk about the reasons in a second. My finales for Season 4 and Season 5 are fully original, and I am very excited to show you them soon. Now, why am I rewriting this finale? Well, for mostly ONE good reason. To not make Chloe look bad. In the original finale, Chloe becomes evil again because she is sick and tired of not being Queen Bee. Unfortunately, her reason why to be evil again is not good at all. It is also sad considering how she had probably the most development out of any character in this show. So, I want to turn this finale into a finale where Chloe shines rather than fades away. There is also another reason. Mari becoming the guardian. I kind of like the idea where Mari becomes the next guardian of the Mother Box, but the way it is done is not good at all. I am positive this is where Master Fu gets most of the hate I have seen online. Basically, he puts all his responsibilities on Marinette, even though she was never trained to be a guardian(plus it came out of nowhere), and run away to be with the love of his life. He even claims that he has amnesia, and Mari will too if she passes the box on. IMO, that is a real messed up move. So, those are the two primary reasons why I am rewriting this finale, but firstly, let's rewrite Heart Hunter to set up what I have planned. Here is my version of a Season 3 finale).

Ladybug and Cat Noir are once again training with Master Fu. There training to be better superheroes have been going great, and Master Fu is proud. "Ladybug. Cat Noir. As your master, I am very proud of the progress you two have made when we started this." Master Fu said. "Thank you, master. We couldn't have done it without you." Ladybug and Cat Noir replied together. "I want to take a minute to once again apologize for not being for you two earlier. As you remember, Feast is what made me a coward all these years, and his return almost made me leave Paris forever. It was thanks to Wayzz, that I decided to be the man I needed to become. A mentor who cares for his students. Since then, I have been training, teaching, and mentoring you two for the last few months. Now, let me show you the current results on the graph. Ladybug, you have gotten fifteen wins against Cat Noir, and lasted two hours and thirty minutes of my meditation methods. Cat Noir, you have gotten twenty wins against Ladybug, and lasted one hour and fifty nine minutes of my meditation methods. Although you have lasted less than Ladybug, you were able to maintain focus when ice water is poured on you. [in flashback]. Master Fu pours ice water on Cat Noir. He sits still, and doesn't freak out. [end flashback]. In other words, you two have been trained to become well built superheroes, and I now with this training we will defeat Hawkmoth and Mayura." Master Fu said. "That is awesome, master. I can't believe how better I have gotten ever since." Cat Noir replied. "Me too, master. Though to be fair, I am a better meditator than Cat Noir." Ladybug said. "Yes, but I defeated you more times, Bugaboo." Cat Noir replied. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that." Ladybug said. "Yeah, but you know I can't resist the beauty of My Lady." Cat Noir replied. "Now, Cat Noir. What did I tell you about your feelings for Ladybug?" Master Fu asked. "[signs]. My undying love for Ladybug is not allowed at training sessions. I know." Cat Noir replied. "Exactly. Anyway, because of your progress, I decided that you two can take the day off. We will continue training tomorrow." Master Fu said. "[gasp]. Really?" Ladybug and Cat Noir asked together. Master Fu nods his head. "Thank you, master." Ladybug and Cat Noir said together.

    Back with the villains, Gabriel is furious how all his plans keep going down the drain. "I don't know what to do anymore, Natalie. I have done everything I could do to get the miraculous, and yet I lose in the end as always. Not even Lila's manipulation does any good for us. I think Time Tagger was right. I will not get the miraculous by the time we get to the future, or I will lose my miraculous" Gabriel said as he whines. "Don't think like that. You need to stay confident. It is the only way for you to......coughs a bunch." Natalie replied as she coughs. "Ugh. This is the other issue too. The fact that you are being damaged constantly by the peacock miraculous. It is best if you stop, and just let me do all the work." Gabriel suggested. "No. I refuse to have you fight one your own. I want to help you win, and bring her back. I am not going to let a few scars stop me from doing my job." Natalie replied. "I appreciate your commitment, Natalie. But how am I going to find a new plan to stop those brats?" Gabriel asked. "I expected you to be in this state, so that is why I came up with this. Whenever Ladybug and Cat Noir are up against a big threat, they always call in back up. Ikari Gozen, they got Ryuko. Desperada, they got Viperion. Star Train, they got Pegasus. It happens over, and over, and over." Natalie replied. "Ok......how does any of this help?" Gabriel asked. "It helps because there is someone who is keeping these miraculous safe from danger, and I think I know who this man is. Remember Feast? The senti-monster found in the statue. Before it almost got the miraculous, a man wearing the Turtle miraculous saved them. That man should be the guardian of the Mother Box because why would Ladybug replaced Carapace?  Moreover, if she did replace him why would she replace him with an old man? Connect the dots, Gabriel." Natalie replied. "Hmmm.....I am starting to see what you mean, but how will that help us?" Gabriel asked. "Isn't it obvious. All we need to do is find where the guardian lives, and then we will have a whole army of miraculous at our disposal. We just need to find someone to akumatize, hope Ladybug or Cat Noir gets a miraculous to help them, and follow them back when they are done. In other words, we can win today." Natalie replied. "Really?......That is a decent plan, Natalie. However, where are we going to find the perfect person to akumatize?" Gabriel asked. "Are you blind today?" Natalie asked back. "Excuse me, Natalie?!!!!" Gabriel asked back in anger. "No offense, sir, but may I remind you that you are the one designing the cloak for Andre and Audrey for their anniversary. You know how angry Audrey can get, and how worried Andre can get. If we akumatize them both, we have our bait." Natalie replied. "I must say, this plan could actually work. Make sure you attend the event today so keep an eye on them. And besides, Adrien is invited to this event, so that will serve as your cover." Gabriel said. "At once, sir. You can count on me, but may I request you give me the Peacock miraculous?" Natalie asked. "It is way too dangerous to use it. You will get worse, Natalie." Gabriel replied in concern. "If this is going to be the day we win, then I am willing to take any risk that comes my way." Natalie said. Gabriel thinks for a moment, and eventually agrees to her proposal. He gives her the Peacock miraculous, but tells her to be safe with it. She leaves to get ready for the event. "I hope you are ready Ladybug and Cat Noir. This time I will have not just your miraculous, but ALL of them." Gabriel said as he laughs villainously.

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