Rage Ravager(original story by me)

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(Before I begin, I once again need to fix another small scene. In Felix, Chloe was acting nice to "Adrien" since that was the day his Mom died. But after Felix insulted them all, she acted mean and knew Adrien was like her(in other words, mean). So, the scene is now Felix insulting them, minus the scene where Chloe says Adrien is like her, and Felix insulting Chloe at the end. I am just trying to make this consistent, and rational sense ok? I don't want things out of order, or confusing. Also, it is worth noting that I love Felix. He is just an interesting character, and I would love to see more of him. And he will here, trust me. Finally, I fully believe he is a senti-monster after watching Risk and Strike Back. With that out of the way, enjoy another story by me).

Our story starts with Master Fu doing a meditation practice with Ladybug and Cat Noir. He wants them to focus on their mediation, and attention to anything that comes there way. The duo focuses on that, and stay still mediating. Master Fu looks at his stopwatch, and sees they have been in meditation for an hour. He decides to test them commitment to the lesson. He grabs a plate on a table, and throws it between the duo. The plate shatters to the ground. The duo however, keeps their focus, and continue to mediate. Master Fu gets and throws a few more plates. Each one breaking more pieces than the last. The duo starts to get a little out of focus, but they continue to work. They aren't letting the sharps of broken glass distract them. "Looks like these two are really driven into the lesson, master." Wayzz said. "Indeed. Now it is time to kick it up a notch." Master Fu replied. He pours two buckets of cold ice water. With the help of Wayzz, they pour the water all over the heroes. Cat Noir screams at how cold the water is. "Oh, Cat Noir. You broke out of meditation." Master Fu said. "Seriously? You just had ice water poured all over me." Cat Noir replied in anger and feeling frozen. "Right, but look at Ladybug." Master Fu ordered. Cat Noir turns around, and sees that despite ice water being poured on her, she is still meditating. "But......but.....but.......HOW?" Cat Noir asked as he screams. "It is because Ladybug knows how to maintain her focus. Even if that distraction is devastating. Ok, Ladybug, you have permission to stop." Master Fu replied. Ladybug wakes up from her meditation. "Ohh, beat you again kitty." Ladybug said. "Well in my defense, cats hate getting wet. And me getting wet always makes me upset." Cat Noir replied. They all laugh at what Cat Noir said. "Ok, that is a good point, but the cat must know to stand their ground. No matter what disadvantage gets into their way. That is in fact the lesson I have here with these meditation sessions. One day, you will have to fight with a disadvantage that can hold you back. Let's say a bad limb, a new power, etc. You must learn to embrace it, and keep going. Even if it angers or worries you so much, you must maintain that focus. Anyway, that will conclude the training I have today. I must say you two have shown me some improvement over my meditation methods. [gets out a graph of the progress they have made. He made this to keep track of their training]. Ladybug, you went from freaking out over a bee touching your nose, to not breaking out of focus when water is splashed on you. And Cat Noir, you went from messing around during meditation, to maintaining focus whatever I throw at you. Just not with water that is. You two better head off now. I will see you tomorrow." Master Fu replied. "Yes, master." Ladybug and Cat Noir said as they leave.

Looks like the heroes training has been going smooth, so let's see what the villains are up to. Lila is once again reading in the park. That is when Gabriel shows up again, and rolls down his window. "So tell me, was my latest reward worth it, Lila?" Gabriel asked. "It was, sir. The scarf is really pretty. Unfortunately, no one cared about it because they were all focused on Chloe. Apparently saving Ladybug from Bubbler lead to her being seen as a nice person. It's fine, she won't be a threat to your son, but I know someone who is. Kagami. I told you about her. She was the girl I was protecting Adrien from that one day, before Hawkmoth akumatized her to hunt me down. Adrien has been keeping his distance from that creep, expect for fencing class. The fact that she is a skilled fighter, can be very dangerous for your son. She can brutally hurt him, and we don't want him to have a flaw in his perfection." Lila replied. "Ok. Please deal with this mess immediately. I have trust in you, Lila." Gabriel said. "You can always trust me sir." Lila replied. As Gabriel drives away, he talks to Natalie. "Are you sure you want to go through with you plan?" Gabriel asked. "Of course, sir. The peacock miraculous may be damaged, but it serves an essential role in my plan. I have seen Kagami's anger rise before, and that emotion can create a powerful senti-monster. Don't worry, I have it all under control." Natalie replied.

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