Essence(Original Story By Me)

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(So far, I have shown you all the two ways I do rewrites here.  I am hoping you guys enjoyed how I did these episodes, but I bet you want something more original.  So it is a good thing I am showing you all my very first Miraculous Ladybug fanfic original story by me, Essence.  This story is going to serving a gigantic role in my fanfic.  With out further a do, lets go this).

After using Miraculous Ladybug to fix the mistakes of a villain, Ladybug and Cat Noir discuss how this fight went.  "Wow, that had to have been the strongest opponent we fought My Lady."  Cat Noir said.  "Totally.  If this villain was ranked, it would definitely be in the top 5."  Ladybug replied.  Both their miraculous beep, so they have too leave.  "Well then, it be best if we talk about this later.  See you soon Ladybug."  Cat Noir said.  "You too kitty cat."  Ladybug replied.  The two of them go to a safe place, and de-transform.  "Spots Off."  Ladybug said as she de-transforms.  "Eat up Tikki, we don't want to be late for school."  "Ok, I can eat my macaroon in your purse.  I will be ok."  Tikki replied.  Meanwhile, Cat Noir does the same thing.  "Claws In."  Cat Noir said as he de-transforms.  "Hurry Plagg, we have to make it to the photo shoot.  My father doesn't want me to be late again, especially since this is the best time he can get this done."  "Relax, you can't rush art Adrien."  Plagg replied.  "Art?"  Adrien asked.  "Yeah, the art of eating delicious cheese."  Plagg replied.  Adrien laughs off his joke, and the two of them go to photo shoot.  As Adrien models, Marinette and her friends go into the classroom, and sit down.  Marinette notices that Adrien is not there, so he ask Nino where he is.  Nino says that he has to do an early photo shoot, so he can't make it too school today.  Marinette is a bit disappointed, since her love interest is not here, but doesn't let it ruin her day.  As the bell rings, Mrs. Bustier enters the classroom.  "Alright class, please settle down.  We have a lot of material to go over, but before we start, I have a huge announcement."  Mrs. Bustier said.  The students try to guess what it is.  A field trip, no HW, party.  However, they are all wrong.  "No class, today we have a new student joining our class."  Mrs. Bustier.  The class is shocked at this, but are very excited to meet him.  "So, our new student is a transfer from Chicago, Illinois, and I hope we all give him the warm welcome he deserves.  Please welcome, Jack Edgers."  Mrs. Bustier said.  Jack walks into the room slowly, and everyone sees who he is.  He has brown hair, and blue eyes.  He wears black paints, a blue/black like cashmere sweater hoodie, and shirt black underneath it with a red words speaking, I Heart Horror Movies.  Jack has a very unhappy face, and looks at everyone with angry stares.  "Ok Jack, welcome.  This is the class you are going to be with.  Why don't you tell the class a little about yourself."  Mrs. Bustier said.  Instead, Jack immediately goes to the open set closest to him, puts earbuds in his ears, and gets ready to work.  "Ok, I think our guest here is a bit shy.  That's ok, you can tell us more about yourself tomorrow.  Sound good?"  Mrs. Bustier asked.  Jack looks at her, and then back down to his notebook.  "Ok, I'll take that as a Yes.  Now class, please open your books to page 20."  Mrs. Bustier said.  As the class does take, Nino, who Jack Edgers is sitting next too, tries to socialize with him.  "Hey dude, the name is Nino.  Great to meet you."  Nino said.  Once again, Jack looks at Nino, and then back to his notebook.  Yeah, this guy does not seem like the friendly type.  The school day continues, and throughout the day, Jack is still the same person as he walked in.  He sits down, takes notes, and listen to music.  Everyone is very concerned about this guy, and their paranoia continues during Lunch.  "So what do you guys think of the new guy?  Creepy right."  Alex said.  "Hey, don't judge the guy.  Maybe Mrs. Bustier is right.  He might just be shy."  Rose replied.  "Hey, but why do you think he always looks anger?"  Mylene asked.  "Girls, Girls, let's just give him the time to sink in, and maybe he will be good in the morning."  Marinette said.  "How do you know he is not going to be the same tomorrow?"  Alya asked.  "Uhhh....stroke of lucky I guess."  Marinette replied.  Currently, Jack Edgers is eating lunch all by himself.  As he eats, Kim and Max get their lunches, and go to their table.  Their walk ends up where Jack Edgers is eating, and I am going to warn you, this is where things get real brutal, real fast.

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