angry (m/mf)

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"Are you serious?!"

Gale put his hands up, flinching. "I told you I wasn't gonna hurt you. I swear!"

Scott scoffed. "I don't give a fuck what you just said. I'm not letting you touch me."

Gale bit his lip. " are you gonna get out then?"

Scott flipped him twin birds. "Fuck. Off. That's how."

Gale's eyes darted around anxiously. "I can't...I can't just leave you there..." he trailed.

Scott shot the giant a glare, causing the younger boy to recoil.

"Course you can," Scott said through gritted teeth. "Just. Go."

The ten-year-old's demeanor fell. "Okay," he relented, standing to his full height, "I'll go get Justine."

Scott sighed as he heard the giant footfalls fade. Great. Now she was gonna lecture him on being too harsh on the bigger being.

But when all was said and done, could she blame him? The kid was at least 60 feet tall and hyper. Anything he did, even if it was on accident, could send either human hurling through the air if they weren't careful enough.

It didn't help that Scott was a bit shorter than other humans. At 5'3, he was more than used to being towered over. But Gale? That was overkill!

A few seconds later, the footfalls from earlier returned, threatening the stability of everything around them. Scott's gaze went up - way up, to the other human in his palm. Gingerly, the boy knelt closer to where Scott was, lowering his hand until the only thing between Justine and the ground was his upturned palm. Scott's eyes went to her face.

She wasn't happy. At all.

Despite her visible anger, she gracefully jumped off Gale's palm, tapping it with her own hand so the boy knew he wasn't needed. In her free hand was a metal bucket. The boy, still concerned about Scott, shot the human one last worried glance before helping himself to his feet and stomping to a different room.

Scott felt his expression soften. Gale was still just a kid. A clumsy, giant kid, but a kid nonetheless. He groaned as Justine approached him. It was one thing to get lectured by the only other human here, but it was completely different when even he knew he was wrong for how he acted.

Her white converses stopped inches away from where he was laying, the bucket dropping next to them. One look at the liquid swishing from the impact told the human all he needed to know. He groaned.

"Quit whining! You're lucky Gale felt so bad, otherwise I would've left you here."

Her voice silenced his complaints immediately. He'd traveled alongside her long enough to know she wasn't playing. Wordlessly, the other human took the pail in her hands and started pouring the oil all over his trapped limbs.

Once she finished slathering the caught parts of his body she exhaled, letting the bucket drop once more. Scott let a few moments pass before he tested the waters again.

"It just had to be glue." He mumbled, and the man swore he could feel his savior's eyes boring into him.

"You should've looked where you're going," she retorted, but Scott knew better than to trust those words at face value. Those traps were littered all around the house. Both of them knew it was only a matter of time before one of them got fully caught in one.

Gale had offered to take them out on multiple occasions, but that never went well. They'd have peace for a few days, but every once in a while his aunt would drop in and find them missing. Both humans, despite the major inconvenience, agreed that keeping Gale out of trouble was better for all of them.

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