okay (f/f)

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"Teagan, are you serious?"

The blonde froze. "I...I didn't mean to!"

The human's hand stretched towards her, giving the borrower only a second to dodge as she felt the rush of wind past her left side. Her eyes shrank as her heart beat out of her chest, unable to break away from the hardened gaze of her friend. Scary.

"It was an accident," she managed, hoping Morgan didn't freak out.

"Accident?!" The voice boomed, shattering any morsel of hope she had left. Teagan squeezed her eyes shut, pushing her hands over her ears in attempts to block the giant woman out.

She stayed there for a second, waiting for Morgan to strike. A second became a minute. Then two. At one point Teagen considered opening her eyes, but the image of her friend's anger was etched in her brain, paralyzing her. Eventually she felt tremors receding, confusing the small being. Morgan hesitantly peeked through one of her eyes.

She was gone. Morgan hadn't hurt her, but she guessed the human went to cool down. Not for long, her thoughts reminded her. She opened the other eye, dropping her arms to her sides. The woman let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding as she stood up, assessing the damage as she walked to the counter's ledge.

It was broken beyond repair. The ceramic was scattered everywhere, the only piece intact being the handle. The fact that she could even push something that big at this height made her chest swell with pride momentarily. Of course, she didn't think leaning against it would make it fall, but it had and there was nothing either of them could do about it.

She frowned. It was Morgan's boyfriend's favorite mug. The cyan mug read "our love is anything but tiny" in bright pink bubble letters, and each time he came over Hector made it a point to nudge Teagen when he announced it. The 21 year old scowled. He was always so demeaning when he was around her, like she was nothing but an object.

Her expression softened. Morgan had been the complete opposite. She made sure the borrower felt like a person every time they were together. Teagen missed when they used to watch Netflix until late in the morning, or watching the human cook, or even checking in on the borrower when she stayed inside the walls for days at a time. She didn't forget how Morgan stuck up for her whenever Hector made jokes at her expense, even going as far as to asking if she was comfortable with him making them.

But Hector made her happy. And although Teagen felt like Morgan deserved better, she didn't want to be the reason they broke up. She couldn't cheer up Morgan like Hector could - couldn't cup the human's cheek or kiss her until she started giggling. She couldn't send texts that made Morgan melt, or surprise her at work, or even whisper sweet nothings in her ears until she pushed her off, laughter filling the pair's ears.

She couldn't ever be human. Her eyes went to the shards as the thought settled in. Was it ever about the mug at all? The 4 inch tall woman absentmindedly rubbed her arm with a hand. Was it?

The tremors returned, forcing Teagan out of her stupor. The pale girl blinked, ignoring how her heart began to hammer again. Was she still angry?

The borrower tilted her head up, meeting the human's eyes. No. Tear trails adorned her face, flowing to the frown plastered beneath. Her eyebrows upturned slightly, Teagan found that Morgan looked sorry, if anything. The black-clad tiny attempted to speak first.

"Morgan," she tried, wringing her hands together. "I'm sorry - "

She held a hand up, dismissing the rest of that thought. "I shouldn't have reached for you."

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