little lies (f/f)

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"I thought you were afraid of me."

Savannah shook her head. "Me, afraid of you?" She giggled. "C'mon Nina, be serious!"

"I am serious," Nina confirmed. "I came into your barn bloodied and muddied - how could you not be afraid?"

Savannah bit her lip. She could admit that it was a shock to find a 30 foot giantess stumbling upon her parent's property. Hell, she would probably add that her first impression hadn't exactly been the cleanest. But...

"You needed help."

Both women felt the atmosphere shift as the words left the human's mouth. Savannah's eyes rested to the side - avoiding Nina the best they could. Nina's face softened at the smaller woman's reaction, her large form inching closer to Savannah's.

"I did," she admitted, watching as her friend's gaze returned to her. "But you can still do the right thing and be afraid. I'm like...six times your height."

The giantess spread her arms to prove her point, being careful not to let her hovering limbs hit the other woman. Savannah scoffed.

"Five and a half."

Nina shrugged, returning her hands to her sides. "Whatever you say, shorty."

Savannah playfully pushed the giantess, the larger being feigning hurt.

"Damn, that hurt!"

"Get over it, you big baby," Savannah teased. "Besides, last time I checked you were the one afraid of me."

Nina winced.

"See! We both know you're the wimp around here."

Savannah shot to her feet, closing the gap between both of them. She stood over the laying giantess for a few moments before crossing her hands.

"Stand up."

Nina rolled her eyes. "Uh-uh." The human sighed, a hand pressed to her temple. "What's the magic word?"


Nina's eyes widened, not even bothering to check for the human as she quickly sat upright. Her eyes narrowed as she spotted the human, who hadn't even flinched at the movement.

"That was one time! How was I supposed to know I couldn't fit through the backdoor?"

Savannah examined her nails, not acknowledging Nina's frenzy. "Because you're a 30 something foot giantess, and the backdoor is like...ten feet tall, max."

Nina grunted, bringing herself to a stand. "Don't tell your parents."

Savannah grinned, her focus back on her friend. "Please! Like I'd ever stoop that low! Besides, we replaced it before they got back, didn't we?

The giantess nodded.

"If anything, now they're worried I'm going to remodel the whole house!"

Remodeling? Was that what the human wanted to do? Nina's thoughts intruded. She sent a questioning gaze to the smaller being. "Are you?"



Savannah twirled a loc of her hair, her focus elsewhere. "Why were you afraid of me, anyways? You could clearly hurt me if you wanted to."

Nina gulped, feigning nonchalance. She looked at the human that saved her. Savannah. The farmers' child had introduced herself as small but mighty, and most of the time Nina would say the description fit her perfectly. But that day...

Rain. It had been nowhere and yet, everywhere. The giantess hadn't even known the droplets could be so elusive from her vantage point, but they were always so small that she would pay them no mind.

She was running. Far from the village that had kicked her out, far from Milly who they had killed right in front of her.

Her first and only human friend.

She didn't know when their voices truly stopped jeering at her, a part of her was certain she had only hallucinated it beyond the forest. But the storm had gotten more severe, and as she exited the giantess was sure that lightning would strike the tallest thing in the meadows - her.

Half of her wanted to go back to the forest. But she hadn't been certain that she completely lost the humans from before, and here was...different. Calming, even. She'd gradually made her way up one of the hills when-


The giantess snapped out of her thoughts, her gaze returning to her friend. Savannah's eyebrows were furrowed in concern, her hand resting the taller woman's shin. Nina acknowledged the human with a small smile.

"Sorry," she responded. "What was your question?"

"Why were you so afraid of me, anyways?"

"Uh..." Nina trailed. She didn't want to lie to Savannah, but then again, would she even understand? The human had made her entire livelihood here - a place where giants were rare and city folk rarer. The giantess secretly wished she had more time to prepare, but one glance at the human's adamant expression told her she wasn't going to get leeway with this one. Nina sighed.

"I was...afraid of hurting you, is all." She bit her lip. "Especially since I was injured - it's hard to control your strength when your first instinct is to survive."

It wasn't completely a lie. After meeting the human and assuring she didn't know about the mob, Nina hadn't expected her to warm up to the giantess so fast. Savannah had hugged her after treating her wounds, how was she supposed to know the right amount of pressure to hug back?

Nonetheless, Nina still felt guilty about lying to the smaller woman. Savannah had bought it, though, and the giantess was at least relieved that she had been convincing enough. The human nodded in understanding, before bringing her head down in...shame?

"I'm sorry," she said softly, and Nina found her ears straining to hear the tinier being. "That makes sense, but...I guess I never thought of you being afraid for me. I always thought you had been afraid of me."

Nina felt her heart break at the sight. No no no, her thoughts spewed out frantically. How could she fix this? The giantess recalled the entirety of their conversation, and a lightbulb suddenly went off in her head. She forced a grin.

"Me, afraid of you? Get a grip, Sav!"

Savannah's head lifted, hearing her giant friend taunt her the same way she did earlier. Nina's breath hitched, wondering if it did the trick until a faint smile appeared on the 5'5 woman's features. Savannah rolled her eyes as she pushed at the shin she had rested a hand on.

"Shut up!"

Nina's eyes crinkled.

"Make me."

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