inevitable (f/f)

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“Be gentle.”

Jada winced, refusing to watch the giantess as she took all of her in. Her tattoos, her scars, all of her. She wrapped her arms around her shoulders, shivering despite her warmth. It was all happening too fast, too soon. Was she really ready?

We don’t have to do this.

There it was. Reassurance, comfort. Mariah always had a way of knowing her boundaries, of knowing when enough was enough. Jada opened her eyes. But this time, for Jada it wasn’t enough.

It wasn’t enough that she knew all about Mariah’s friends, her life, her sorrows. From the cute mailman she kept stumbling over to the quiet grip that alcohol had on her liver, Jada knew it all. Some of it was pretty, some not so much - she was beautiful to her all the same. Even now, as her beige-tinted skin was illuminated by spaced out candles, Mariah was on a whole other plane. 

“But I want to.”

And she did. She wanted Mariah to have access to her truth. Bits of her past weren’t up to her, but this? This was the most vulnerable she could get. Jada watched as the giantess lowered to meet her - likely feeling monstrous at her 70 ft stature. If anything, Jada thought, she was the monstrous one - she’d almost stabbed the giantess in the eye with a shovel when they’d first met.

She smiled faintly, remembering their meeting. It felt so long ago, like looking through a childhood photo album. They’d been so young, then. Back when dying was the hardest part of living, and love was still a game to be played. The human looked up at the giantess, who’s jade green eyes watched her concernedly. 

“I want to,” she repeated, a bit louder.

Jada’s eyes fell to the pink sweater discarded at her feet. That’s right. She’d decided this a while ago. Back before the storm had started. Before they’d decided to give this friendship a try. No, from the moment Mariah had saved her, something felt…different about the woman. Different in a good way. Jada hadn’t been able to tell then, but it was all the more clear to her now. 

I…I can’t, Jada,” Her voice came, choked up. “I don’t want to-

“Hurt me?”

Jada took the silence that followed as confirmation. She chuckled lowly, allowing herself to close her eyes again.

“You could never hurt me,” she stated, letting her words marinate.

Intentionally. She thought, but never said aloud. The truth was, everything about Mariah hurt. The smile that revealed her dimples, the way her eyes lit up talking about the mailman. Her absence hurt the human, too. But she would never tell the giantess that.

I could.

Jada smiled at her concern. “You won’t, though.”

The two women sat in the silence, occasionally stealing glances at each other from their respective vantage points. Eventually, Jada nodded, opting to break the silence.

“You won’t,” she said softer, tracing her scars with a hand.

How did you-” The giantess started, pulling her out of her reverie. She lifted her eyebrows, acknowledging Mariah’s train of thought. Mariah pulled a digit closer to her arm, the smaller woman wincing despite her eyelids being covered. She could feel how the wind changed ever so slightly to accommodate the finger pushing towards her, how the giantess’s breath hitched when she’d closed the gap between them. Jada felt Mariah’s warmth, and noted that although comforting, the awareness that came with it still did little to ease her mind.

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