all night (m/nb)

240 4 5

TW: homophobia mention, misgendering



The shifter cringed. Of course he'd notice that they weren't celebrating! They recognized that bass voice from anywhere, but the Cyrus in question wished the man was anywhere but here. They turned around, watching their friend with wary eyes. CJ stopped a few feet in front of them, throwing his hands up to show he meant no harm.

"Easy, dude. You weren't with the others, so I asked around until someone pointed me here."

Cyrus huffed. Someone had ratted them out. They crossed their hands. It was probably Danny, too.  CJ took a step forward, eyebrows furrowed in concern. The man with the fade had never taken interest in them before, but Cyrus wouldn't lie and say that it was intriguing enough for them to not move back.

"You okay?"

Were they? Was hiding who they were worth it? They could only keep this up for so long, and it was only a matter of time before they found out both their secrets. Cyrus opted not to answer the man, instead staring at the floor between them.

"Cyrus." They said confidently, and this time their eyes met his.

CJ took another step. "You know you can tell us anything, right?"

That's what Isa had told them. But she had been the coordinator, it was her job to be cordial. But Cyrus knew what they were like behind closed doors. Immoral, irritable, intolerant. They claimed to be for the Size Alliance, yet the insults they threw in the group chat said otherwise. They sighed. The group has also claimed to be allies, but it didn't take a genius to dismantle that lie.

Cyrus forced themself to relax. Now was not the time to get agitated. CJ hadn't said anything in those group chats. Hell, he'd chosen to not sign up for it all those months ago. They bit their lip. He had been here longer, though. Just because he refused to partake in their games, didn't mean he'd accept Cyrus for who they turned out to be. They forced themselves to look at him, plastering a smile for the taller person.

"I know," they said, and for once it was true. The group could never stop them from speaking their mind. But they could stop the recruit from hurting their feelings, which Cyrus knew was a losing battle. They racked their brain for what to say next. 

"I just...don't think talking about it will help."

CJ closed the gap between them, taking Cyrus's hands in his bigger ones. Cyrus gulped as CJ stared them down, eyes vying for their attention.

"You sure?" He breathed, and Cyrus's nose wrinkled at what they smelled. Alcohol. Of course - CJ wasn't one to talk to them. He must've needed encouragement to actually seek them out. Cyrus rolled their eyes. Had they not been at a party, the shorter person would've found it almost endearing. But Isa had been at this party, and even if he wasn't anything beyond tipsy, she definitely hadn't been the one to supply it.

He'd snuck a shot into the party. The very strict no-drinking-policy party. They resisted the urge to chew him up in that moment.

"Have you been drinking?" They deflected, and CJ hung his head in defeat.

"A little..."

Cyrus bit their lip. He hadn't meant to, and clearly, he was only a bit away from sobering up. But he still knew the policy and drank some anyways. That wasn't something they could just sweep under the rug.

"When did you even find the time to do this?"

The taller man didn't answer.

Cyrus slipped their hands out of his. "Seriously..." they said, raising their dominant palm to their forehead, "what did Isa tell you about drinking?"

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