romantic (m/f)

306 7 6

requested by PrpleLily


"A grand romantic gesture..."

It had been 5 days since the game night with the other giant-human couple and Myron still wasn't sure what to do. Sure, the dare had been spontaneous, but Cynthia had managed to woo him the very next day.

His features softened as he remembered the concert. Although the human didn't sing much, she had performed each love song with enough passion to convince him otherwise in the privacy of their shared bathroom. With each high and effortless note she hit, the woman of his dreams would look at him with a big smile on her face. Between each set, she'd embrace him in a new way from the last.

It had gotten so good that he found himself nearly bursting her eardrums with how loud he clapped. That had been Monday evening, and now it was early Friday morning. Cynthia was curled up in a fetal position against his chest, snoring obnoxiously. A small smile formed on his lips as he watched her rise and fall with his breaths, amazed at the trust she had in him.


He wanted it to be perfect. Before they'd made it official, Myron had revealed that he wasn't big on romance. He'd been in other relationships with giantesses, but they hadn't been interested in that kind of thing. Cynthia, on the other hand, loved them.

Touch. Words of Affirmation. Gift Giving. Quality Time. Acts of Service.

Ena and Lauren had talked about them during the game night. Myron was certain of her's - touch, words of affirmation, quality time. She'd gushed a lot about his warmth - how she melted nearly every time she was in his hands, the comfort that the crook of his neck provided, the security of his presence. Cynthia had been one of few that felt that - everyone else had considered him cold, distant, and untrustworthy. She'd been afraid of him at first, yes, but she'd warmed up to him quicker than all the others.

He bit his lip. The gesture couldn't be a one-off. Being a human's space heater was one thing, but that wasn't necessarily romantic. Showering her with compliments could only go so far, and both of them were already inseparable as it stood. He sighed, his hand snaking its way to his girlfriend's tiny form. His digits hesitated as she unconsciously buried herself deeper into his shirt. Gently, he lowered his hovering palm, his eyes widening slightly when his partner readily accepted the warmth.

Wait a minute...

His eyes lit up as gears began to turn in his head. He could work with this.



"Five more minutes..." she groaned.

He rolled his eyes. "'s 3 PM."

The 5'9 woman huffed. "It'll still be light out when I wake up."

He chuckled. She got a point there. The giant man leaned in slightly, being sure not to move his palm from over her.

"Sure, but you'll miss the surprise."

Cynthia's head perked up immediately. "Surprise?" She questioned, and Myron nodded. The human narrowed her eyes. "I swear, Myron Jermaine Carter, if you're lying to me..."

He flinched. "Full government name? Damn, that's harsh."

She shrugged, pushing herself off his chest. Myron let the hand covering her fall to his side. "Not harsh if you're telling the truth."


She nodded, taking in her surroundings before scaling his chest and jumping to the nightstand nearby. Cynthia stretched her hands above her head, smiling.

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