his little mortal (m/f)

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requested by PrpleLily



The lights flickered as Kanryk's voice echoed through the temple, scaring the servant girl at the altar as her grapes scattered across the stone floor. The servant turned abruptly making a b-line for the entrance. She bumped into another worshiper in haste, muttering a quick apology before continuing her exit.

The woman that remained put her hands on her hips. "You don't have to be so mean."

The lights stopped flickering. In their place, blue light encompassed the floor, making the human woman feel a touch better as the god's attitude got lighter.

"Belle.." His voice returned, softer.

"Don't 'bELLe' me," she responded, crossing her arms as she stared at the statue in his likeness. "You hurt her feelings."

The god sighed again.

"Mortals..." he mumbled, eliciting an eye roll from the woman.

She closed the gap between the icon, pressing a light kiss to the stone. The room's blue light shifted to pink, encompassing the entire room as it spread.

"Can you come out now?" She asked. "Please?"

The light faded. "Coming, dear."

A stone rolled in front of the entrance, signaling the temple's closing, as a quick flash transported them both right outside the temple steps. At 78 feet tall, Kanryk was a sight to behold in his mortal form. Babies would cry in his presence, couples would flee in his wake, even the elderly collapsed at the tremors caused by his gargantuan footsteps.

He hadn't always been so intimidating, though.

Before, the village of Boktei had been a small one. Belle's family had moved there for a second chance, a way to escape the warring kingdoms of Forlek and Mouzan. Concealed in a forest of redwoods, the village had been a refuge for both kingdoms' civilians.

Belle's family had been Mouzanites. When her family first landed, she had been eight. Fascinated with the blue and pink lights that peeked through the trees, she questioned why the sunlight wasn't yellow as it had been in Mouzan. 

Her family and friends never answered her.

She'd run into him on accident. One day, when the lights bled yellow, Belle had been exploring in the forest. The then 10-year-old noticed that certain areas were less yellow than others, and eventually found herself in the most concentrated area of non-yellow light. The once bold blues and pinks that danced about her village laid dormant in what looked to be an abandoned clearing.

Kanryk hadn't always dwelt in a temple. In those days, he was lower, a small deity with an altar to match. When Belle found his resting place, his stone altar had been blown to bits. He wasn't that big then, only 20 feet of his current height, but that didn't stop the child from approaching him.

"Are you okay?"

Kanryk had been hugging his knees to his chest, tears of yellow distorting his Domain as he tried to make himself smaller. The mortals noticed, he thought. They knew he was a deity, and in their fear demolished what was left of his presence. War made people do crazy things, but the forest had been a place of peace. Gods and deities had dwelt in Boktei long before humans had, so why...?

"Can you understand me?"

The girl's voice interrupted him again. He knew this was a young mortal, Kanryk could sense the light and innocence that shrouded her as she approached. Despite this, he scoffed, sniffling as his eyes confirmed his suspicions.

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