release | pt. 2

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requested by batsarecute95


"Silas," he muttered, testing the name on his tongue. "Nice to formally meet you."

The human was still processing what had happened. He'd broken the elders' rules & seen Chandler's face, watched the giant burst out of his prison, and somehow lived to tell the tale. He blinked as the blue person's words registered. Nice?

"Is it?"

He looked to the former prisoner for confirmation, searching his eyes for an answer. Chandler gave him no such thing. After a few moments of empty silence, the bigger being spoke again:

"Is it?" He echoed back, but the way he spoke felt like a challenge to the small guard.

Silas scratched the back of his neck. Okay, maybe he was a little rude to him. Last thing either of them wanted was an angry blue monster on the loose. Still...

"Maybe? I-I mean it was good to get that weight off my chest, but..." he vaguely gestured to the void around them. "The circumstances could definitely be better."

A deep chuckle filled the space between them. Silas quickly turned to face the giant, his palms beginning to sweat. Did I say something wrong?

One look at Chandler, though, was all it took to set the human's mind at ease. Amusement sat on the titan's features, his eyebrows raised slightly. Phew, Silas thought. That could've been worse. The original sported a soft grin.

"Fair, fair." He said. "I never thought I'd have to break out of that prison to get your name."

Silas's lips twitched. Right, he was supposed to keep watch over Chandler. He rolled his eyes. Like guarding against a giant Chandler's size was possible. The clone let his thoughts wander beyond the face in front of him. Was Chandler comfortable on the floor? He wasn't exactly thrilled by the alternative of being towered over, but he imagined that the giant would have to stand eventually.

"You okay, Silas?"

Silas blinked, the question forcing him out of his thoughts. "Yeah, yeah," he said, waving a hand dismissively. He pursed his lips. "It's just..."

The giant strained his neck, leaning closer ever so slightly. Silas tried ignoring how close he was now, less than a foot away yet taking up his entire field of vision. "It's just...what?"

"Are you comfortable? Lying down, I mean."

Chandler's eyes widened. The original cleared his throat, his expression returning to neutrality. "Not entirely. But you're less scared when I'm down here, so-"

Silas shook his head. "Then you're not comfortable."

Chandler sighed. They both knew it was true. Silas took a step forward, temporarily quelling his fear. Chandler's eyes followed the smaller being, confused by his actions. As the guard closed the gap between them, he managed to give the blue humanoid a soft smile.

"Go on," he managed softly, ignoring how fervently his chest was pounding. "Stand."

Chandler winced, flashing the smaller man a sympathetic look before preparing to stand. Silas's eyes flickered to the being's arms as they positioned themselves on either side of his chest, being sure not to knock over the guard before pushing off the ground. The clone watched in awe as the giant's body began to rise, slowly at first, but picking up speed as Silas continued watching. The titan's dominant leg pushing itself forward, Chandler brought himself to a kneel - his eyes checking for Silas's approval.

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