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~The Lady of York~

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~The Lady of York~

When her dearest George arrived three days later, Catherine could hardly contain her relief. She watched him ride into the courtyard below her chamber, pressing her face against the window and grinning at the sight of his tousled hair.

Jumping down from her window seat, she waited with excitement, brushing down her skirt and hopping from foot to foot; her eyes trained upon the door that was soon to open. Hearing footsteps along the corridor, she did not feel fear as she had done on the first night, she felt happy, safe and tilted up her chin, pushing her unbound hair behind her shoulders.

When the door opened, she could not restrain herself and as soon as George appeared she flew into his arms, wrapping her arms around him; clasping him close as tightly as she could. Georgie responded the same, lifting her easily from the ground and spinning her around.

"By God Cat I have missed you!" He exclaimed as she nuzzled into his neck, beginning to cry from relief.
"And I you, Georgie! Have you heard what is going to happen? What I am to be?"
"You are to be a Royal Duchess" He replied rather sadly, setting her down on the covers of her bed before he sat next to her "I shall miss having you as my little wife" She gave him a wry smile.

"And I shall miss you being my husband, but...." She hesitated a little, peering up at him like she always did when she had a question.
"But you will always be my brother, won't you? You will always love and protect me as I will always love and try to protect you?"

George smiled, tears filling his eyes as he pulled her close and nodded, over and over again just like she did.
"I will always be your brother" He told her, hugging her tight "Always! And I will always love and protect you, no matter who your husband is" He rose from the bed, striding towards the door "You have gone from the wife of a Yorkist to the betrothed of a York Prince! Dickon is the brother of the King and therefore a Prince which shall make you a Princess"

He opened the door and Catherine feared for a moment he was leaving her. He could not leave so soon after he had arrived! She needed him here, at her wedding! But she did not need to worry, it was only moments before George returned, carrying a soft package in his hands, one of the lavender hue she adored so much.

"Since you are to be a Princess, I thought it only right that you should look so on your wedding day!" He smiled and motioned for her to shuffle along the covers. Catherine did, watching with curiosity and then awe as he spread out a beautiful gown upon the bed.

It was just as she had said she had wanted it! The lavender damask he had given her for their anniversary had been fashioned into the dress of her very dreams with hanging sleeves trimmed with white fur and a neckline formed into the fashionable V style.

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