Chapter five- Full moon

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             "It's a full moon" Lucy says mixing her potions and ingredients. "i know" i say grabbing a raw piece of meat and gnaw on it. ever since i was bitten i have craved meat and once i smell it i must hunt it and eat, my wolf wants needs it. "full moons suck" i say it's the only night i turn into a huge man killing monster...but on other days i shift into a normal wolf just slightly bigger than a normal one. "i know but i made you this" she says holding up a small bottle containing glowing blue liquid. "what is it?" I ask finishing the meat burping. "that's just gross" she says pinching her nose. "sorry" i say shrugging "okay well it slows down your wolf from transferring so we can have more time in preparing for it" i nod "okay so i just gulp it down?" She nods handing me the bottle. "now?" She smiles "yes now" okay i take the bottle smelling it then scrunching my nose. "here goes nothing" and i gulp it down. "you gotta make tastier potions Lucy" she laughs. "now let's get this full moon on" she says i laugh.


              "It's the full moon get the cages ready for the newbies!!" Cole commands as men drag young pups into large silver cages using gloves so the silver won't hurt them. "Remember when that was us" I tell Cameron nudging him. He smiles thinking back to the memory. "Yeah i remember clearly you almost ripped a guard head off when you turned." I nod wondering if that guard still works here. "Jack, Alpha Sinister would like to have a word with you" Cole says sternly, i nod heading towards my fathers isolated study where he spends most of his time. I knock on the door trying to be polite. "Enter" He says through the door, i enter walking into cautiously not knowing why he called me in. "As you can tell there is going to be a full moon...I need you to keep an eye on the newbies but especially on that girl Lucifer has been keeping from me. Find her and if she gets into trouble...Stop her." I tense at the mention of Bella, i couldn't argue with my father not now of course that we are all busy. "Yes Sir...I will obey your orders" He smiles coldly. "Very well then you can leave now Jack" I bow my head slowly walking out of the room, preparing myself for tonight.

I walk inside my room following behind me are Cameron and Cole. "What did your father want?" Cameron asks sitting on one of the couches. "Nothing much he just wanted us to keep an eye on the newbies since apparently this generation is a little stronger. "Didn't you go see Lucifer for the potion she usually gives us?" Cole asks raising a suspicious brow. "Yes, but i got a little...distracted" I say thinking of the first time i had met Bella making my wolf purr with satisfaction. "It wouldn't happen to do with a certain pup...Lucifer took if. Right?" Cole says winking at me i growl lowly. "Shut up we have some newbies to take care of now go!" I order walking over to my desk and taking out what is necessary for tonight.... hopefully she won't get into too much trouble.

I look up at the full moon. "The newbies are looking hungry they are about ready to bash the doors in" Cole says looking back at the howling wolves. "Watch over them i have some things i need to get to." I walk away getting ready to shift but i feel a hand to my shoulder. "Jack" I look back at Cameron who has a concerned look. "Don't do anything stupid" I smile. "I wasn't planning too" I walk out the room ready to find Bella. As i barge outside i immediately change into the beast Bella saw that night. I was too late...Hopefully i am not this time. My wolf soon finds her scent going crazy. 

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