Chapter six- Lucifer

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"I love your eyes" Lucy says i look in the mirror "why are they yellow?" My blue eyes are gone and replaced by yellow ones. "it's your wolf" she says "is Lucy your real name?" I ask out of curiosity "no" she says brushing my hair "it's Lucifer" i look at her "really?!" She smiles "yes really now let's get you ready" she says leaving the room, I follow her nervously as we go down a flight of stairs I have never seen before. "Your Gonna stay here Bella" Lucy says motioning to and iron walled room. "cozy" i say sarcastically "you'll be fine just try to relax your wolf okay don't be nervous or else your wolf will be uncomfortable and you will be in pain." I nod looking at a mirror on the concrete wall. "This is made of Iron with a good amount of silver so be careful not to touch the door nor the window" she points to a small window. "Okay...I'm scared Lucy what if i break out?" A ton of possibilities run through my mind. "Don't worry you'll be okay I promise with the potion I've mixed together your wolf will become a tiny bit weaker but you will regain your strength in the morning" I try to sit on the small metal bed in the far corner of the tiny room but suddenly feel trapped. "I can't do this Lucy!" I cry terrified "There is no time for that you have to be a big girl now okay and relax! I will be with you...don't be scared my love it will all turn out okay." I nod taking in shaky breaths "Okay go...the sun is beginning to set..." I look down at my hands playing with them. "Yes, I should get back i have some potions to mix" I feel my wolf begin to stir around inside me wanting to get out. "Okay see you in the morning Lucifer" I give her a mischievous smile as she walks out the door. I soon here big thumps and clacks knowing she is locking me up. I take a deep breath laying back on the bed. "Relax Bella..." I lay my head on the rough pillow waiting for all this to be over.


I can't take it anymore I'm starting to shift it hurts like a bitch. i scream in pain. i try to break down the wall, but it's no use. "Luci!!!" I yell in agony "Luci!!" I pound on the door till my knuckles are bloody and sore. "ahhh" i scream as my bones crunch i feel my insides out. "ahhhhhHHH" my jaw starts stretching my teeth start to fall out "ahhhh!!!" Then they are replaced by sharp shark like teeth. i look at a nearby mirror I'm a monster my wolf anger takes over i smash the glass i hear the crunch of the broken glass under my feet or should i say paws. i feel my wolf take over and i howl at the moon bashing in the iron door feeling the stings from the silver.

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