Chapter twenty - dead

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I walk to Sinister's office "what!" He yells then his face turns into one of his evil grins "you're alive" he gets up and walks towards me i take a step back "scared, aren't we?" He chuckles bitterly i grab he gun from the back of my pants "tsk tsk tsk didn't they teach you not to mess with an alpha" he growls grabbing the gun and throwing it across the room "guess your little plan failed" i did what any girl would do i kicked him were the sun don't shine. "you little whore!!" I try to run but i yelp as he pulls me back. He threw me across the room again books collapsing on my already fragile body. "Now I almost killed all of you that night! But you you somehow were saved this time I won't let it happen I'm going to finish you!" His hands start forming into giant claws he's transforming "help" he looks down at me his eyes blacker than night. he roars in my face i close my eyes he picks me up from my neck i grab his wrist to stop myself from choking to death. I look around to find something to stab or smack him with i see the gun in close view. i need to provoke him to drop me i stare at him then smirk "what cats got your tongue?" He growls throwing me closer to victory i grab the gun quickly my body throbbing in pain. "die bitch" i push my finger down nothing "crap" I'm going to die. he towers over me i close my eyes make it quick i can see him smirking then i see a long sward being stabbed through his heart. He falls to the floor i look up at jack who soon goes to my side "what were you thinking?!" He checks my face "I wasn't i just wanted revenge"


"I wasn't i just wanted revenge" she weeps pull her to my chest "shh it's okay" i say stroking her hair "you're okay" she sobs "no I'm not I'm not okay!" I make her look at me "you will be once you take the rightful place as my Luna by my side" i smile down at her she hesitates "yes only if i can make a few changes" she smiles slightly "anything my love" i look at my dad tears threaten to spill "i know how it feels to lose the ones you love and i am sorry even-I'm sorry for your loss" she says sincerely "he was a dick" i muttered she pulls me in for a hug "he was your dad" i start to cry she hugs me tighter making me feel like the luckiest man alive.


I'm going to be the next Luna. When everything falling around us finally something good came out of it all change. that's what I'm going to do as Luna. "i love you" Alpha Jack says "i love you more" i say kissing him as we finish our bonding ceremony.


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