Part 10

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Tommy shuffled his movements which had woken purpled up, purpled looked at Tommy and hugged the smaller blonde.  "Your adorable " purpled said as he ran his fingers through tommys hair, purpled looked out the window and noticed that it was still night. He sighed and kissed tommys head, " now I'm wide awake, thanks love" 

After a good 15 minutes purpled carefully moved Tommy off of him and got up, purpled looked for something to do to pass the time. Eventually he found a price of paper and started to draw, purpled was in no way a professional artist.

But he wasn't bad, purpled had started to draw the window. Once he was done he looked at the window and noticed the moon was in the perfect spot, purpled drew the moon in the window and even added the stars which were right by it. 

Purpled hadn't even noticed the golden blonde woke up until he felt Tommy place his hands on his shoulders, "Morning purp! What you drawing-omg your so good!" Purpled felt his cheeks warm up at tommys comment. 

"Thanks love" purpled said smiling, purpled looked up at Tommy and gently kissed tommys cheek. Tommy giggled and looked at the drawing, "well you've defenetly gotten better" purpled smiled remembering the old drawing he gave Tommy when they were kids, "well all my time away from you kinda helped, without you I just drew I drew multiple pictures........mostly of you" 

Tommy turned red with a big smile on his face, "I love you purp" purpled smiled again and gave Tommy the picture he drew.  "I can have it?!" Tommy said trying to hide his excitement, purpled smiled and nodded. 

Tommy took the paper and hugged purpled, "thank you!" Purpled was in heaven, he was going to marry the boy who he had liked since he met him. Yeah he has to protect Tommy from Kyla now, but he was willing to kill Kyla with his own bare hands if she touched Tommy. 

God purpled was willing to kill God  forTommy! Tommy ment absolutely everything to purpled, and he wasn't going to lose him again. Meanwhile Tommy was admiring the picture purpled drew with a smile, "I'm sitting on your lap" Tommy said suddenly then sat in purpled lap, purpled smiled and wrapped his arms around tommys waist. He knew techno and Wilbur would kill him for it but it was so worth it in purpleds eyes.

"Hey purp" purpled gave Tommy a soft hum in response, " qre you really sure you wanna get married to me?" Purpled was shocked at tommys words, of course he wanted to marry Tommy. He was way more than sure. "Tommy you know I do, I've been wanting to marry you for my entire life. There's no one else in this world who I'd marry, your gorgeous, kind, and just perfect. You know exactly how to cheer me up no matter how much stress I'm in" 

Tommy smiled and turned around and hugged purpled, "I'm sorry I just thought-" Tommy was cut off and interrupted by purpled, "how could you think I didn't want to marry you? Tommy I've dreamed of marrying you since I first met you, Tommy I'm serious when I say this. I love you and I'll always will"

Tommy tears up and dug his head into purpleds neck, "I love you too" purpled smiled at his words and kissed tommys head. Purpled has been waiting to hear those words from Tommy for forever. But little did he know Kyla was standing right outside the window fuming 

"You'll pay for this tommy- you know what you'll pay for it at your wedding" 

Why leave I've already found what I want- purpledinnit storyWhere stories live. Discover now