Part 35

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Wilbur stood in the doorway like he had just seen a ghost, Kristen smiled and stood up and opened her arms. "Hey wil" Wilbur ran from the doorway into Kristen's arms with tears pricking his eyes. Kristen hugged Wilbur tightly with a big smilebon her face, "oh how I've missed you" Wilbur stopped hugging Kristen and looked at her. "Does dadza know?" 

Kristen looked to Wilbur and shook her head no, "is he still here?" Wilbur nodded and smiled a bit. "Yeah! He was going to leave but after Tommy went missing he stayed here to make sure purpled got out of bed every morning" Kristen nodded in amusement and looked over to purpled and Tommy. Wilbur did as well and immediately ran over, "you found tommy?!" Purpled smiled and looked to Kristen. "Kristen did"

"Well this is even more of a reason to get dads old butt!" Wilbur got up and jogged to Phil's office, immediately bursting through the doors scaring Phil. "Tommy  and mumza are back" Phil looked a bit mad at first but that quickly disappeared as he and Wilbur ran down the stairs, Phil had out ran Wilbur and got there before he did. "Kristen" 

Phil ran over and hugged Kristen tightly,  she smiled and hugged Phil but both pulled away when they heard the doors open with a lot of panting. "Holy..dadza you fucking ran..let me catch my breath real quick" Wilbur sat on the floor then laid on the floor as everyone giggled. Phil looked over to purpled and Tommy and smiled. "Now we just need techno to come home"

Purpled nodded and moved his hand causing Tommy to shift his position in a more comfortable one, "also what happened? Last time I saw my baby he had ears and you know that too" Kristen asked Phil. Phil looked to the floor and spoke up, "yes he did but after you were taken we found him in his crib with a syringe in his thigh, after that they kinda disappeared" Kristen nodded and looked to Tommy. 

"Aahhh I see they hid them from him" Phil was confused and looked at Kristen, "you know how you can hide your wings, they made it so he can hide his futures " Phil nodded understandingly and continued to hug Kristen. "Wilbur get your son here please I'm pretty sure he'd want to see his uncle before he gets married" Kristen perked up and looked at Wilbur exidedly. "I have grandkids!?" 

Wilbur smiled and went to them, "yeah you have 1 but depending if Nikki wants to have one you'll have 2. Or if purpled and Tommy finally decide to have one as well" Kristen smiled and looked at Wilbur, "I can't wait!" Phil smiled at how excited Kristen was and noticed that purpled had fallen asleep. "Wait why did you guys get here at midnight?" Kristen looked over to Phil and responded, "because if I walked into town people would freak then also being with tommy yeah they'd really freak" Phil nodded and sighed. 

"Now we have to get them to bed, and the kids over there who are they?" Kristen looked over to Nicolas and shroud who were also asleep, "oh those are the kids who told me Tommy was missing! And they aren't going back to that horrid orphanage" Phil looked at the two for a moment before realizing who shroud was. "Oh ok, hey Marie could you get them a room. Have one of the guards to help you carry them" the maid nodded and left. 

"Wilbur you help me get purpled and Tommy to there room" 

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