Part 37

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Purpled and Tommy were now getting ready to go visit the towns people although Phil was a bit worried, Tommy had barely eaten his food he only ate the fruit and left the pancakes alone. Though Phil didn't say anything cause he knew not to rush Tommy into his old routine, "ready love? You two ready?" Purpled looked to shroud and Nicolas who nodded then he looked to Tommy who wrapped his arms around purpleds neck. 

Purpled picked Tommy up and two guards opened the doors, the four of them walked down the stairs of the castle to the frozen crowd. They all stared in shock at Tommy, half of them thought Tommy was dead and the other just thought he'd never come home. They had reached the bottom of the stairs and Tommy looked up to the crowd, "there's a lot of new faces" Tommy whisperd. 

Purpled nodded and looked at everyone, "while you were gone 2 kingdoms fell, one came into our possession. The other is now land yet claimed, a lot of people crossed our borders and settled here" Tommy nodded and looked back to the people, "I see the kids have grown up, Nicolas as well" 

Nicolas and shroud were stood behind purpled and Tommy frozen with there eyes glued to sister myha, she was glaring at the two like she wished death on them. Tommy turned to look at them and followed their gaze to the nun. "Is there a problem sister myha?" Almost immediately sister myha looked to Tommy and smiled, "no not at all your highness, those two just caused such a problem that sister Hanna is mad which makes us all mad"

Tommy nodded and looked to the two again before turning back to sister myha, "well tell sister Hanna that the boys are in good care and for now they'll be staying with me" sister myha nodded and glared at the two once more before walking away. Nicolas had looked to Tommy and smiled at him. Tommy gave a smile and a bow of his head, Tommy spent almost 3 hours chatting to the towns people before Tommy went inside cause he got cold. 

Purpled picked Tommy up and went back into the castle with shroud and Nicolas, purpled was about to set Tommy down but he didn't want to let go of purpled so he sighed and sat down with Tommy in his lap. Tommy had smiled knowing he won, "and you call tubbo clingy" Tommy giggled and looked at purpled. 

"I am not clingy, I'm just showing my love and affection" purpled rolled his eyes and kisses tommys cheek, "I love you" 

"It's obvious I love you as well, but what the hell happened. Your hair is fucking long it goes to your ass in a ponytail" Tommy grabbed purpleds hair and looked at it. "Well I just didn't feel like cutting it after you went missing, half the time I didn't even feel like getting out of bed" Tommy looked at purpled with sympathy in his eyes, "purp I'm sorry, but I just have to say. My hair would have been shit tons longer if I didn't have to choke out some random bitch with it who cut my hair"

Purpled laughed and looked at Tommy confused, "what?" Tommy smiled and fixed his position on purpleds lap, "well she came in to inject something into me and I wasn't going to let it happen so I punched her, but she got back up and tried to fight me. So we got into a fight and I ended up having to use my hair to choke her, I succeeded too! She fell unconscious and when she woke up she left the cell they were keeping me in and  20 minutes later she came back and cut my hair....she didn't inject the thing into me though! So I say it was a success l!"

Purpled giggled at how enthusiastic Tommy was. "Your amazing you know that right" Tommy nodded and smiled, "oh where's chat?" 

"Oh umm....we couldn't find them, they had disappeared when you did" 

Why leave I've already found what I want- purpledinnit storyWhere stories live. Discover now