Part 38

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Tommy nodded and looked to his hands, "so there probably dead at this point right?" Purpled looked at Tommy sympathetically and hugged him. "No no no you don't know that, it's a possibility yeah but don't give up hope. We'll find him I know we will" Tommy hugged purpled and layed his head down on purpleds shoulder. 

"I hope your right, chat was a good raccoon" purpled decided to try and lighten the mood and said, "well I'm not 100% convinced on the good part, but sure" Tommy giggled remembering when chat stole purpleds underwear. "Well they were good with me" purpled chuckled and smiled seeing his comment worked. 

"Hey tommy"


"How would we have children?"

Tommy was about to say something but thought about it for a minute, "I don't know, I'm supposed to be a raccoon so I might be able to have kids biological ones too! But I don't know I'm always up for adoption!" Purpled smiled and whisperd in tommys ear, Tommy smiled and looked to purpled. "I think Wil would murder you, but I don't have any objections on it"

Purpled giggled and put his hands on tommys waist, "he'd have a problem with how we're sitting so, might as well spread my bloodline then get murdered" Tommy smiled and kissed purpled. "Your an idiot" purpled let out a offended gasp and looked at Tommy.  "Now that was just uncalled for! And I'm your idiot so you got to deal with it!" 

"God I love you purp" purpled smiled and kissed tommys cheek, "I love you more-"


"WE WERENT FUCKING YOU IDIOT WE WERE JUST TALKING!" Purpled screamed back to Wilbur and Tommy giggled,pretty soon Wilbur walked back in and glared af purpled, "apologies I just thought you guys were fucking by the way you were sitting, anyways,  mumza wants you " 


Sorry I didn't post twice yesterday I've been a bit busy recently, I'll try to post another chapter today but like this one it might be short. Sorry 

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