Part 26

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"Ayo what fox situation, and why did you burn my husband? " Tommy asked latching onto purpleds side. "Your husband broke my fence and my foxes and cats got out! So I burned him!" Tommy looked at purpled then to fundy. "Oh....well fundy yall can forgive and forget right?" 

Fundy glared at purpled for a minute, "I guess......IF HE CAN STOP BEING A BITCH!" Purpled glared at fundy and picked Tommy up bridal style. "Yeah nope were leaving" Tommy didn't say anything and just let purpled carry him up to there room. 

"So my nephew burned you" purpled nodded and set Tommy down on there bed, "yeah he burned me then tried to kick my ass" Tommy giggled then wrapped his legs around purpleds waist and pulled him on top of him. 

"But hey don't worry I still love you either way" Tommy smiled and pecked purpled on the cheek, "I love you too hun" purpled kissed Tommy and looked into tommys bright sapphire blue eyes that were staring back at his purple ones. 

"Your eyes are pretty" purpled smiled and kissed Tommy once again, "yours are prettier than mine" Tommy giggled and kisses purpleds nose. "I think yours are better than my plain blue eyes, purple is a rare color. There very pretty" purpled put his hand on tommys right cheek (not ass cheek you dirty minded people).

"What are you talking about? Your eyes just have a glint to them which makes them look bright, mine is just plain purple yes I have a white ring around my pupil, it just represents the amethyst  kingdoms royal family. You have very unique eyes. Not even philza has your eyes"

Tommy smiled with a blush on his face, "thanks purp, I love you" purpled smiled and laid down next to Tommy, "I love you too" the two just laid there for a few minutes before Tommy got bored and got onto purpleds lap, purpled looked at Tommy and put his hands on tommys waist.

"Yes?" Tommy just looked at purpled for a minute, "I'm bored let's do something-" Tommy was cut off by Wilbur walking into the room. "Hey tom-HOLY-NEVERMIND PURPLED IMMA MURDER YOU!" Tommy got off of purpled as Wilbur ran at him. Purpled ran out the door and ran down the stairs, Wilbur followed and both busted through the doors in front of everyone. They all looked over at the mass screaming and just stared. 


"What the hell happened?" Nikki asked, "HE WAS TRYING TO FUCK TOMMY!" 


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