Part 20

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Purpled and Tommy had showed Karl and sapanp where they would sleep for the night then the pair left to there room, once inside purpled grabbed a pair of Pj's and one for Tommy. "Here Tom's " purpled handed the pair of clothing to Tommy and Tommy took it and smiled. "Thanks purp" with that the two got dressed.

Once Tommy was done he brushed his hair out then ploped down in the bed purpled smiled and laid on top of Tommy, Tommy smiled and turned around so he was facing purpled. "Can we cuddle?"

Purpled giggled and nodded, "well obviously you know I love to hold you while we sleep" with that the two went off to bed with no regard of what was happening outside of the castle. 

"Tommy's husband killed Kyla, I think we get revenge for my daughter....let's kill the prince" 


Sorry it's really short I'm tired so I'm going to head to bed, anyways have. Good day or night!

Later gaymers!

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