Part 28

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Chat was shoved into a bag and no matter how much they scratched at the bag it didn't open, eventually Chat just gave up. It wasn't long until everyone was moved out of the castle and into a safer place, "Wilbur are you and Nikki ok?" Tommy asked looking at the two. "Yeah we're fine" 

"Ok. Wait where's chat?" Tommy looked at the guards who looked down. "We werent able to find them sir, we looked around for him but he was nowhere to be found. Not even with there treasure" 

Tommy nodded and thought for a minute, "did you guys check his window seal?" The two nodded and Tommy tried to think of another place he'd be but nothing came to mind. "Not even in the kitchen?" They shook their heads and Tommy began tapping his foot on the ground anxiously. 

"Don't worry Tommy chat is one hell of a smart raccoon I'm sure they're safe" Tommy turned to look at techno and replied, "who said I was worried?" Techno rolled his eyes and hugged Tommy. "You Tap your foot where you're worried" Tommy sighed and hugged techno back. 

"But what if there not safe?" 

Techno didn't reply back he just hugged the golden blonde tighter, Phil smiled at the two. "How about we get some rest, we'll find chat once we're sure the castle is secure" Tommy sighed and nodded  before going to purpled and laying his head ontop of purpleds shoulder.  "But now where exactly will we be sleeping? " Tommy asked. 

"Umm we can find some place- just like what we used to when we went camping! " tommys eyes lit up as him and Wilbur went to find something to use.  Tommy pulled out afew blankets then tripped, landing straight on his face.  "Ow I found blankets though" Phil giggled and helped Tommy up. 

"Be careful Tom's" Tommy stands up all the way andstarts passing out the blankets, Karl and sapnap shared one, Nikki and will shared one, techno and Phil shared one,  obviously Tommy and purpled shared one.  It wasn't long until most of them fell asleep, techno, Nikki, and sapnap were awake the rest was dead asleep.  

"Awe they are so cute! " Nikki said looking at purpled and Tommy,  "agreed, I'm glad purpled was able to marry the one he wanted to" sapnap said Alsip looking at the two.  Techno giggled and nodded agreeing with sapnap.  "Yep I'm just happy as long as fonts happy so if purpled breaks his heart I'll/ tear his ribs out and use them as chopsticks" 

Sapnap and Nikki nervously looked at techno and nodded,  "honestly karl would he loves Tommy so I wouldn't hold it past him"

Within 40 minutes they all were asleep, just the guards were watching,. And some of them might not be gaurds.

Why leave I've already found what I want- purpledinnit storyWhere stories live. Discover now