Part 23

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After lunch Tommy immediately dragged purpled out into the gardens, Tommy had reached for purpleds hand and watched as purpled grabbed his and smiled. The  two had started to walk into the flower maze Mumza made for Tommy just before he was born, it was a nice silent walk. Purpled looked at the flowers in awe as they walked through it, "wow....this is beautiful" 

Tommy smiled and looked to purpled, "I mom made me this before I was even born" purpled looked at Tommy and hugged him from the side. "Did you ever meet her?" Purpled asked, Tommy continued looking at the flowers then replied, "not that I remember, all I know is that she met me. I've only ever seen a painting of her holding me in Phil's office" 

Purpled nodded understandingly and continued looking at the flowers, silence fell among the two but it was still a comfortable silence. tommy turned every now and then, purpled followed Tommy onto a clearing area. The walls were lined with white roses, the floor was coverd in greenery, a few flowers stuck out from the stone path. 

Tommy went to a bench in the middle of the opening, Tommy waved purpled over and he came over and sat next to Tommy.  "Your mom is amazing if she did this all" Tommy rested his head on purpleds shoulder and spoke up, "she made one for techno and Wil, mine left unfinished it stops out that doorway". Tommy pointed to the opposite door they came in from, purpled nodded and looked back to tommy.  

"I'm sorry you never got to see your mother, I love you" Tommy smiled and hugged purpled. "I love you too, also it's fine she died protecting me so I think that's enough. Plus I got your love and I'm happy with that" purpled smiled and hugged Tommy back.

"God I love you so much Tom's" 


Sorry for the short chapter I'm going bowling with my family today. Also I was listening to sabaton while writing this and I stopped writing for like 3 minutes because my favorite song 82nd all the way came on and I just started jamming out to it. It was great. 

Have a good morning or night!

Later gaymers!

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