Part 50

911 29 39

2years had went by in a flash for Tommy and purpled, everything has been going so fast and this might be the only moment that couldn't have gone faster. Tommy was currently at the doctors office waiting for test results, purpled had no idea Tommy was here. But he wouldn't know anyways purpled is in a meeting.

After what has seemed like hours the doctor came in and handed Tommy a paper, Tommy quickly began reading it as the doctor spoke up again. "Congratulations on the baby Queen tommy" with in a instant Tommy eyes began to water in excitement, Tommy had listened to purpled rant on and on about their future child for a while.

Tommy knew techno and Wilbur would try to murder purpled but Tommy would stop them like he always does! Tommy was so exided on the news, he rushed home and went straight to his and purpleds room. Tommy was so exuded his excitement knocked him out cold.

Next thing Tommy knew he woke up to purpled laying next to him and cuddling him, "sorry i woke you love, I tried getting in bed without you waking up" Tommy smiled and hugged purpled, "it's fine purp you can wake me up whenever you like, unless I've just fallen asleep or I am tired then no" 

Purpled giggled and kisses tommy, " Oh yeah umm I need to tell you something " purpled say up by the bed frame pulling Tommy closer to him. "I'm listening" 

 "Well you might get killed for it" 

"By who and what the hell did you do?"

" I didn't do it you did" 


"Once my brothers find out im pregnant they'll kill you" 

 "Mhm...........Wait your pregnant?!?!" 

Tommy giggled and nodded, almost in a heartbeat purpled jumped at Tommy and embraced him in a hug.  Pretty soon purpled was crying out of pure happiness as he hugs Tommy tightly, "really?! Imma be a father" Tommy smiles and huddled into purpled. "Yup, now how do you want to tell Wilbur and techno?" 

"Lets not talk about death while I'm this happy" 

Tommy smiled a nd they two fell asleep shortly after trying to come up with baby names, they had woken up and got ready. Tommy had somehow talked Purpled into telling everyone at breakfast. The pair had went to the dining hall where everyone already was, including purpleds parents. 

Breakfast had began and once everyone was done and just say there talking purpled stood up and everyone went silent and looked to him, "ahhh umm I'd like to announce something" 

"Go on" Phil said with a smile

"Well umm, we have a heir to the throne" 

The room was dead silent as the gears in everyone's heads were trying to turn, Kristen was the first to realize it seeing as she got up and began jumping around squealing. 

"IMMA HAVE GRANDCHILDREN!" Kristen screamed once she said that everyone understood purpleds words, Wilbur was the first to lunge over the table and run at purpled then he hmm got up and charged at purpled. Purpled avoided the two as best as he could, it wasn't long until Wilbur had jumped into purpled and knocked him down.

Tommy giggled and got up pulling Wilbur off of purpled, "wilby please I'd like for my kid to have a father" Wilbur glares at purpled for  a minute before backing off, Tommy turned to techno and hugged him. "Techie I'm sure you'd understand right?" 

Techno hugged Tommy and nodded, "Yes I understand, I love you toms" Tommy smiled and hugged techno tighter as purpled stood up and looked at Tommy.  Techno and Wilbur sat back down as Karl and Kristen and Nikki talked to Tommy the others stayed and talked with purpled. 

 "So purpled, what are you two naming the baby?" Techno asked looking at purpled with a little scowl. "Umm we haven't figured out a boy name yet but if it's a girl Tommy wants to name it Clementine im on board with that" 

They nodded and looked at purpled, "your alien right" purpled nodded and looked to Wilbur who was glaring him down. "Thank you for making Tommy happy" Phil said, purpled tooled over to Phil breaking the eye contact Wilbur was giving him.

"I'll always want to make him happy, he's my little racoon that doesn't hide my underwear" 

the four of them giggled and began to talk, it was a nice rest of the day. Although Tommy wanted a cup of fruit more often George was more than willing to give Tommy a cup whenever Tommy wanted it, dream still follows George around like  lost puppy all the time. 

A few months had passed and Tommy have birth to a little girl they had named Clementine, she was a small baby she was like a infant big moth. Tommy loved every second of holding her, as any parent should.

things were going amazing for them, for now at least. 


And that is the end of the book, I hope y'all enjoyed this book! I will post the new Purpledinnit story sometime tomorrow probably when I wake up or a hour or two after I wake up. Thank you all for reading, also if you read this part type 'purpledinnit!' In the comments down below!should I make more?

Hope you enjoyed!

Later gaymers! 

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